Coronavirus and healing

Praise, my soul, the Lord; praise all my being his holy name. Praise, my soul, the Lord, and do not forget any of its benefits. He forgives all your sins and heals all your ailments. Psalms 103: 1-3

Today, I want to share the testimony of one of my loved ones about the corona virus in their life and in the family. But, especially motivational words in the midst of the pandemic, COVID 19. Today, I share the message of healing about this corona virus pandemic that is affecting many loved ones. The message is the following:

My life in the care of the Great I am … my doctor par excellence…..

For those who have tested positive for Coronavirus or Covid-19, I was positive for this virus on April 8, 2020, but….. I am a witness to the power of God! I am a witness of what his mercy and grace is! That is why today I testify once again the miracle that I received during the morning of April 16, 2020.

I will tell you about my case to encourage all the people who have tested positive and fall into depression and despair at this diagnosis and because sadly their care has to be in their own home before falling into an emergency …. It is chaos if you live alone or do you have minors, the elderly, in short … it is all a protocol or process by which you have to submit your family for the safety of all …

Personally, I have to say that we, ourselves, have to watch over our health and be aware of your symptoms, for example: if I am the same? What change? How am I breathing? I’m coughing? What natural remedy helps me the best? In short, myself and together with my family (in this case, I have my husband, who once again in the midst of our experiences is always there by my side, to give me encouragement with our children. I love you, dear husband, and thanks for all your love and support for me!) Don’t despair! Look how good God is that in the face of this “deadly” virus he gives us from nature those medicinal plants and / or natural remedies that will help us prevent us from reaching an emergency room humanly speaking because loved ones the total cure comes from God and the main ingredient called PRAYER! His word says: that by his wounds we were cured! Believe it!

What is a hopeless situation? Therefore, it is very important that they know and be clear that whenever situations arise; pray for the patient, but even better if they keep in prayer also for those who are caring for the patient or for those who are handling any situation, because they need the Emotional Support. Believe me, it is not easy for them! They still feel powerless with everything they do! And, they really are the ones who play the role of doctors near you. I can say in my case that I was positive for this virus, when I was sent home, I thought it would be an experiment for science or medicine, because they only tell you to go home and quarantine and when you feel changes in breath, lips or purple nails then call…. amazing! Then after a week they call you from the Health Department for follow-up….. Just that!

With my story I just want to let you know that if you know of someone who tested positive for this virus, explain it to them, guide them in confidence and that they don’t allow you to hear negative messages! The mind is a treacherous weapon! Listen to music that builds and brings peace. Don’t be afraid of that patient. You have to keep your distance and protect yourself, but also show respect, kindness and be kind. Many are alone! Please, it’s time to help others. You do not have to approach, with just a call and leave what that person might need in a corner of your patio or in the gate, but give him a gesture of love.

I am a woman of faith! And, I have been through many health situations, BUT, God has always sustained me in His infinite mercy! Sadly, there are those who believe that as children of God we will not be tested and many tend to judge. I can testify that in the midst of each process, I have seen the hand of God! I can say with certainty that no matter the situation, you have to open your mouth to worship the name of the living God! In the midst of pain, we have to give thanks because only God does as He wants to fulfill His purpose in our lives. There are those who will say, has he cried? Disputed? He was afraid? In short, all the questions that humanly we can ask ourselves. My answer to all the questions, of course I cried and was afraid. I do not stop being human. But, I will continue declaring that the God whom I serve and to whom I will continue dedicating my life to do according to his perfect will. Especially since even in the midst of every situation my family and I are strengthen.

Cry, but do not take all day, don’t waste it. Dry your tears and look up to heaven and go in complete freedom to the God of the impossible. I spoke to Dad! Ask him what his purpose behind his condition is. Surrender completely to your feet! Give your heart to him and cry out in faith that he will be your Help and Soon Aid in your tribulation!

I conclude by exhorting you, in the midst of whatever your situation, to trust in the Lord! Put, you’re FAITH into action and you will see how God will work both in your lives and in those of your families. Let us join in prayer for all humanity, for those who are still in the midst of this crisis only God can stop this pandemic. I live grateful for my God, my All! I thank God for my husband and children. I thank God for my parents for each of my brothers and sisters and for my friends. They are the links that support you and make you strong to keep going even at a distance.

Take this to your heart: The best medicine is: PRAYER which has been the best remedy when it is prescribed by the unique and incomparable Doctor of Doctors called: JESUS ​​OF NAZARETH! And, best of all, your hospital is open 24 HOURS! Call and HE ANSWERS you at any time…. yes! And, there is more…….. TAKE CARE OF ALL OF US AT THE SAME TIME! Moreover, he does not use any protection, on the contrary he protects us with his love and covered us and forgave us with his precious blood when he demonstrated it on the Cross of Calvary.

You are a child of God, He never gives up! God bless you!

My love and respect!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I am before your presence asking you for all the sick. We recognize that you are the doctor par excellence and only in you do we find liberation and healing. We entrust you to all the sick and believing that they are healthy. In your name, Jesus, we ask this of you, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, with this testimony, it is confirmed that the power of prayer activated with faith is the remedy to heal any illness. Protect yours and yourself. But, above all, that God is the protector of your home.

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