
“Then Jesus said to them, Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable?” Mark 4:13

The subject of communication has been studied for a long time. The communication even in Jesus’ time was one full of parables, which his disciples still did not understand and Jesus explained each parable so that they could understand the message through what was said.

When I was doing my doctoral dissertation, I took on the task of researching on communication and the effectiveness it had in the development and motivation of employees towards the organization. The definition in my doctoral dissertation is as follows:

Communication is an act of will directed towards an existing entity that reacts. It is a psychological need, which organizations must meet to maintain and develop the motivation of employees. Therefore, commitment to communication is necessary to promote commitment, sense of belonging, awareness and understanding towards the motivation of employees that can influence the effects of the organization.

Therefore, when we speak of effective and affective communication, the meaning is the same. Assertive communication is the way or the act that guarantees the clarity of the message while maintaining respect for other people at all times. Many times we find employers who tell employees that the communication must be assertive and even give training to improve communication. But, do you really know what you mean when you use the word assertive communication?

Today, I will tell you what involves assertive communication and the effectiveness of the employee’s motivation. When we talk about communication, it includes formal and informal communication. Informal is spontaneous and based on a family environment. Formal communication is that there is a formal authority relationship based on an organizational hierarchy. Therefore, if the organization has formal and informal communication are key to the organization to be a successful.

What is the effect on the employee or person when there is an assertive communication? If the leadership of the organization communicates effectively this means that they have motivated employees, increase productivity, create an atmosphere of trust, the information is reliable and true, and work without conflicts. Communication between both parties creates respect and better customer service as it reduces any negative effects.

Leaders should create a positive impact on communication as it will promote an environment of sharing information, skills, new ideas, trust, and good relationships. Therefore, when using the term assertive or effective communication, take into consideration whether it is from one party, the employee or leader, since when mentioning this term the other person may not have understood the information, so it requires to do like Jesus, sit apart with his disciples and clarify the doubts before making an incorrect opinion of your employees or people who communicate an information or message.

Remember leader, you must always be objective, have an open mind since you work with a diversity of people, and listen. When there is assertive communication, it allows the employee to express their ideas without fear of consequences, so it also makes it easier to reinforce feeling part of the organization. As a leader, never let yourself be influenced by others, remember you are a transformational leader. Therefore, you will see how your employees will support you in the new objectives of your organization.

Reference: Pérez, I.N. (2017). Exploring Leadership Communication and Employee Engagement in a Pharmaceutical Company in Puerto Rico. Available from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses (UMI No.10600210).

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have failed you. Today, I want to be a person with an assertive communication and also be able to understand the message that others bring. Give me the discernment to be objective, to listen, and to respect what others have to say whether I like it or not. But, whatever the message is, allow me to be a productive one in order to continue improving day by day and be a successful person. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Today, my friend is a day to empower yourselves in assertive communication. So, I recommend the following for your personal and professional life:

  1. Never communicate aggressively. Remember to respect others.
  2. Communicate your knowledge or thoughts clearly and simply so that others can understand.
  3. Adopt a proper body position, this conveys confidence and security.
  4. Show interest in what the other person has to say, look them in the eyes.
  5. Do not interrupt, listen.
  6. Ask questions to clarify doubts.
  7. Provide suggestions, or solutions to problems.
  8. Respect the opinion of others.