
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10.

Summer is here, and many of us take a few days to clean up our home, do some errands and catch up on everything. Moreover, there are moments when looking again at what was organized is no longer so. We think, that it is never going to finish cleaning everything, and we get frustrated because no matter how much you clean and order the next day you have to clean it again. We also know that many do not even receive thanks for the cleanup. After evaluating this scenario of home cleaning with our hearts, we can reflect that often we carry in our hearts hidden things or events of the past, which must be removed in order to renew the spirit.

Our memories, our past, our pain, and many other things are hidden so that others do not see the disorder that our life has been carrying. We laugh so as not to cry, we sweep and hide it under the carpet or we throw everything in the wardrobe to hide everything that is around and there it remains for many years in our subconscious. Therefore, this is how many times our life is, we keep everything in the subconscious. Years of carrying a past that torments us, that many times we lose control and sometimes ask “Why do I react like this or am I like that? Memories that hurt, experiences that hurt, and many other things that only you know and keep.

My dear friends, it is time to clean your house, your interior. It’s time to say enough is enough, I cannot continue like this with my life, enough to be the clown so that others think I’m fine when the reality is that I’m dying little by little from so much pain and sadness. It is enough to think that nothing has happened when the reality is that it happened. It is time to create awareness that I am still myself and that the past does not determine your current or future life. What should I do to clean my interior, my house? I present to you the doctor par excellence, to the healer, to the one who does deep cleansing and there is no contamination, everything sterilizes so that you can be the man or woman that you really are, children of God, I present you, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am in front of you asking for your forgiveness. I want to tell you that I am tired of hiding all my past, a past that torments me and that I do not want to continue carrying. I want, today that you take my heart and enter my life. Clean my heart, my mind, and that you, Jesus, can transform my present to a better one in you. I ask you in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, today is a time to forgive, but above all to forgive you and heal wounds. It is time to seek help from a health professional such as a psychologist, social worker, pastor or reverend or a friend who can help you.

Asking for help is not cowardly but of brave.