
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9: 6

Christmas is coming, a time that many gather to share with family and friends. Christmas party, gifts, fraternization, and so many good things that keeps us in harmony. But, why do we celebrate Christmas?

I was reading a message that was sent to me which made me reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrated it. More than two thousand years ago a child was born, who was named Jesus. A child who was sent to this world to love but above all to forgive us. A child who was received with gifts, and not just toys like today, but, they gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. Each of them with special meaning. Gold, the most precious of metals, which is the symbol of a King. Incense is a preparation of aromatic resins, which when burning gives off a fragrant smell and a unique smell. Therefore, incense is a symbol of God. And, myrrh is an aromatic reddish substance which was valued in ancient times for the production of perfumes. Myrrh is the symbol of man. That is why, every gift was special in this child’s life. Christmas where many may not celebrate this special day, but for those people celebrating Christmas, we remember and celebrate the birth of the child Jesus.

A child who grew up, strengthened, educated himself, worked as a human being, without losing sight of his mission of loving and forgiving humanity. Being God, being King, and being Man three beautiful gifts that were completed in one to save humanity. Christmas is to remember that Jesus was born with purpose and we celebrated his birth with jubilee. Therefore, we open the doors of our home but above all our hearts to celebrate the life of Jesus.

Prayer: Open your Heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence to ask forgiveness for all my offenses. Today, I open my Heart so that you are my Lord and Savior. Help me every day to keep the flame of Christmas burning in my Heart. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, when holidays arrive we often get involved in the market or commerce, but the truth is that these days are for sharing with family and friends. These days is to approach and help the needy. It is time to value small things such as a smile, a hug, say I love you, or even ask for forgiveness. What better than being present in the lives of loved ones, remember today they are with you but tomorrow we do not know. Enjoy the most and value each person as if you were yourself.

I wish you a Merry Christmas!