
34 And Jesus said to her, “Child, your faith has healed you; go in peace and be healed of your affliction. Saint Mark 5:34

Cancer, is a disease that has impacted both women and men and children. Cancer is a disease that does not discriminate. We have the condition of breast cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the prostate and many other parts of the human organ that has been affected by cancer. But, good thing that the human being has the capacity to detect his condition in time, take care of his health and make preventive measures to avoid later affecting his health and emotional well-being.

I remember once when I lived in Kansas, which in my right breast there was a huge black area and had secretions. I was scared, I went to the doctor. When the technician made me the mammography, her face looked sad. She often went to see the radiologist and performed several more. At that time, they did not say anything to me, but I understood what was happening to me. My heart was sad and I did not say anything to anyone, because my husband was in war zone, Afghanistan, how to worry him, and how to worry my family and friends.

One day, I went to visit my family in Puerto Rico and the clinic called me to report immediately and told me that I needed to look for a surgeon. I already knew the symptoms. I said oh, God this is real. When I returned, they were waiting for me, they carried out more in-depth studies and they gave me an appointment for the biopsy. I remember, it was Sunday and I went to church, before the biopsy, the pastor of the Church said there is a person with cancer and God tells me to pass to the altar, my heart began to throb strongly, and I went to the altar. My tears sprout on my cheeks without being able to contain me. And the pastor told me, put your hand where you have your condition, and I said to God, oh, God, do i need to place my hand on my breast in front of the whole Church? But, it was my healing or the shame. Well, of course healing, I place my hand on the right breast, the pastor prayed.

When I arrived at my house, my right breast was totally healthy, GLORY to GOD! Wau, it has been a miracle for me. When I went to the appointment, the doctor had to take several mammograms because he could not find anything in the breast, just a small bag (cyst) and I praised God in the office and thanked God for it. Of course, everything went negative. That’s what God did. Therefore, I can testify of the God of miracles, because by my faith have healed me.

My dear friend, we, who have experienced cancer, have had or have family and friends with cancer know what it feels like. How much pain and sadness we feel together with them. On the other hand, we have also seen and experienced healing even when medicine says otherwise. Do you know what has been the key to healing? God has been the doctor of doctors. God in his word says very clearly that your faith has healed you. If you believe as a grain of mustard and you say to the mountain move, it will move (Luke 17: 6, Matthew 21:21).

On the other hand, sometimes the will of God is that our loved one does not suffer more on this earth, so it is important to always worry about the spiritual condition (Romans 12: 1-2). When we care about their spiritual condition we know that there will no longer be suffering or more pain in heaven (Revelation 21: 4). And we who still remain on this earth, there will be peace in our hearts because our loved one lives in a world full of glory in the presence of our God. How many believe it?

You know my friend  that if you have God as a base in your home and in your heart, you have faith like a grain of mustard, prayers, and support of family and friends networks are a fundamental part of success for our loved one to continue standing.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have offended you or failed. Today, I come before you with a need. My body is sick and my spirit needs you. I do not have the strength or the courage to continue through the valley of darkness. I am afraid, I am very afraid of this new reality. Sometimes, my mind torments me and I think what will be of my loved ones, whom I love here on earth. And I know that, like me, we worry about this new health condition that torments us, we suffer together.

Now Jesus, your word says that if I believe like a grain of mustard, this mountain (cancer or other health condition) will move and go to sea. I believe in it. But, if your will is another, let me today surrender at your feet asking forgiveness and my life be yours from now on. I know that I will never have pain or sadness because soon I will be with you in your presence. However, I know that you heal. Let this prayer of faith be a reason to serve you every day more and believing that you are the Doctor of Doctors by excellence. In your hands, my God, I deposit my condition of health. Amen.

A friendly advice

My dear Friend, cancer is a health condition that has attacked enormously all human beings such as women, men and children. We see so many programs and so many needs of loved ones who suffer from the cancer condition and its treatments. We feel their pain and it hurts us to know that we cannot do much for them. But, the important thing is to be present every day of their lives, to take care of their physical and also spiritual health. When the disease comes, other conditions also arrives such as depression, wanting to be alone, mood swings, hormonal changes, and many other things. That is why you, the one who is at your side in and during your condition, needs to look for help so that others can raise their hands.

On the other hand, my dear friend (a) who suffers from the health condition, remember that you are not alone, there are many people who loves you, are by your side,  and have you in their prayers. Remember that God will always be by your side. Do not let circumstances demean you and you lose the horizon. On the contrary, get up and thank God that today you have been fighting. New forces today you will have and the healing to your life, we declare it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you believe it, raise your hands as a symbol of victory.

I recommend you friend:

  1. Perform annual and preventive check-ups, visit your doctor.
  2. Do exercises.
  3. Eat a balanced diet.
  4. Always self-examine your body, both woman and man.
  5. Leave the cigarette or any other vice that is harmful to your health.
  6. Educate yourself. Attend prevention talks about any type of disease. They are many times free.
  7. Seek spiritual help as it is from a pastor or go to your church of preference.
  8. Seek help from a mental health professional such as a psychologist.
  9. Look for help in specialized centers such as the Cancer Association and / or others.
  10. It is not time to say “I told you so”, it is time to support our loved ones in everything.
  11. Find people who can help you with the things of the home and with your children.
  12. Today, stand up in victory and smile because you have another day to live and for new opportunities.
  13. Above all, do not lose faith or hope. Cheer up, everything will go well with God’s help. Remember, you are a resilient!