Build on solid foundation

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24

Our world lives hard times. A world where the earth shakes, a world where there are so much evil and pestilence. A world where the love of many has cooled. A world where people have prioritized their material goods and have forgotten the essence of what life is.

When reading the Bible in Matthew 7: 24-27,  there are two comparable constructions. One house has been built on a solid foundation and the other house built on sand. When reading this passage tells us that the rain fell and the rivers overflowed and the winds blew, which I can say that it may be a hurricane, the house did not fall. Well, this house was founded on the rock. On the other hand, the house built on the sand was ruined. This reading makes me reflect on our lives…

Our lives can be built on a solid or weak foundation. The solid foundation is the unwavering faith that there is a sovereign, God. A God who sees beyond what the human being can see. Where on that foundation we can forgive, we can love, we can help the needy, but above all have our life is connected to the Kingdom of God. The weak base collapses before the circumstances of life, thinks there is no solution, there is evil, envy, and rancor. The weak base says there is no God. But, the mere act of saying there is no God, it is because God exists.

The rain descends for everyone, the earth trembles for everyone, the pain reaches everyone, but I am sure of one thing that my trust is placed in the protector, the provider, the healer, the God who cares every moment and second of my life and those of my house. Where have you built your house?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to build my life on the rock on you my God, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to reflect on what has happened. It is time to start over, turn the page and write a new story. It is never too late to establish your life from now on the foundation par excellence, Jesus.