
Blessed are ye that hunger now, for ye shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. Luke 6:21.

Do you know that you have the power to bless others?
God has given us the power and authority to be channels of blessing for other people. But, it is up to you what you want to do. When we talk to other people, we often say that “it is sad to see how our same people often do not support or help each other.” It is sad to know that being able to help others or shake hands we hide it. I do not know if you are one of those who take your hands out of your pockets and extend your helping hand, or you are one of those who place your hands in your pocket or cross your arms since it is not your problem. How do you consider yourself, person to bless or curse?

In a world full of so much competition and marketing, the strongest survive. But, small businesses that want to exist in a competitive world seek alliances. This alliance between small businesses is what allows them to stay in a competitive market. Well, what the other does not have is the other and that is where both can continue to bless other people through that union. Also, we can observe that when going to a “mall” (stores or shopping) you can see that there is a variety of things and meals for different tastes. Therefore, everyone is united for the same purpose, selling their products. When evaluating these marketing examples, people’s lives must be united for the same purpose or purpose. What is the purpose?

The purpose of uniting as people is to bless others through our actions. The purpose is to provide other people with a lack that they have and that you can help. When we are united for the same purpose, it is then that we are blessed because we have blessed others. Many people confuse the blessing with money, although it is also good to bless others through money, blessing others is with words of comfort, helping others giving references to their work, is caring for each other, is serve the same God and not a religion. Well, when we follow Jesus and not a religion, the doors of heaven open because it is there in your heart that Jesus dwells. And, it is then that we have the authority to bless others.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive us if we have offended you. It allows my heart to be sensitive in order to identify the needy. Help me differentiate between good and evil. And, may your love cover all needs. Thanks for your blessings. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to take time to bless and share with others word of comfort and peace. Time to bless others.