Be positive

In the morning let me know about your great love because in you I have placed my trust. Point out the path I must follow, because to you I raise my soul. Psalm 143: 8

Life is full of so many words or negative events. The negativity leads us to a state of low self-esteem, frustrates us, fear invades us, we think that it cannot be done, that we are not going to achieve it, and so many things that invade our thoughts that impact our future. When we think about how we feel, we think that depression is invading us because we feel that we are tied to what others dictate about you. But, today my dear friends it is time to say, enough is enough!

Yes, enough that others dominate my dreams, others dictate what I should do or who I should do. It is time to make wise decisions and seek resources or people who are successful. Therefore, successful people are not necessarily the ones with money, they are the people who are happy with what they have, they are the people who always dream, and desire new things in their lives, they are the people who enjoy life, high self-esteem, and they are person who always has a smile on their face.

Surround ourselves with successful people and who always has words about yes, you can, you are important, they see yourself beyond what you do not imagine, they are the ones that will help you grow in your life in all areas both physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It has come the time to break the paradigm that others think of you. It is time to be you.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if at any time I have felt that my life has no meaning. I thank you because today I can understand that I am a child of yours and that you want the best for me. Thank you because from now on I will take control of my life with your help. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to look at yourself, evaluate yourself but above all to love yourself. It’s time to get up from where you are. It is never too late to start over. Life is full of difficult times but, there is no reason to discourage yourself. Seek help in people who are helping hands, who give you words of encouragement and positivism. Seek help from professionals such as psychologists, counselors among others. Do not be discouraged, walk because you are close to your goals. Trust in our God, pray, and ask him to always be there for you, he will not fail you.