Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11: 1

Recently, I had a dream where I was given a word from our God. The message was if it is possible that they can imitate me or someone else. Well, they all raised their hands, but when I asked who can imitate Jesus, very few hands were raised. My heart was sad. What can this dream mean?

When I thought about this dream, I understood that imitating anyone is easy, but imitating the attitudes and personality of Jesus is not easy. Why? When evaluating the characteristics of Jesus, He is a humble person, he left what he had to come to a world that was not his, forgives those who had offended him, heals many, loves even his enemies, peacemaker, and gave his life for all. Characteristics that are not easy to imitate. If we feel hurt, wounded, we feel angry and we do not know how to forgive quickly, hence we act easily. Believing in healing is also an act of faith that many of us are not willing to believe in miracles and so many other disappointments that over time we stop seeing Jesus as the perfect imitator.

My dear friends, being imitators of Jesus is not easy. Suffering the consequences of imitating him is not easy either. But, of one thing I am sure that by imitating his attitudes and personality it leads us to grow as human beings. There are many phrases said by various experts in inner healing, but do you know where these dogmas come from? Be loving, humble, help without looking at who, forgive to heal, believe in the magnificence of the universe, and so many other motivational words. They are imitations of the great I Am, the Master par excellence and to whom we owe honor, Jesus. Try to imitate Jesus and you will see a change in your inner being.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking your forgiveness and that you help me to be an imitator of you. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to let go of things that hurt us. Perhaps people who hurt you, who offended you, made incorrect comments which damaged your image in society, abused, and many other things that only we know in our privacy. But you know something my dear friends, it is time to let go, it is time to forgive, it is time to believe that there is a God who does justice, there is a God of healing, there is a God who has everything in control.

Remember you are not alone, seek help from people who can lift you.