Be careful what your mouth speaks

The good man, from the good treasure of his heart, brings out what is good; and the bad man, from the bad treasure, takes out what is bad; because his mouth speaks of the abundance of the heart. Luke 6:45

Many of us think that abundance is having a lot of money. But, the truth is that abundance comes from what is in your heart. If you speak well of your neighbor, if you help your neighbor, if there are no murmurings or criticisms, if you are a person full of values, if you are an individual who is always present when they need you and so many other things that can leave your heart, It is reflected in your mind and in your mouth. Or, on the contrary, there are people who are the opposite. These can be mocking, they are always in the negativity, they don’t help another individual, they hurt, they hurt and they go to the extreme of taking away life since their environment is all negative. By, many times there are people who do not kill, but with their mouth kill thousands.

The sad reality, instead of a blessing, there are people who curse. There are people who hurt with gossip and half-truths. Possibly, they get away with it for a while. But, time will reflect the truth of their hearts. The world is spinning, there is a God, and so there is divine justice. I remember a TV program “El Chavo del 8” that said, “Revenge is not good, it kills the soul and poisons it”. How true there are behind those words. What comes out of your heart sooner or later will offer you abundance in your life or bring death. You decide, blessing or curse.

It is time to be agents of change, it is time for blessings to come from our mouths, but above all praises to a great King, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart    

Lord Jesus, I apologize if words have come out of my mouth that has hurt people around me. Forgive me and help me to be a person of the change in this society that there is so much evil. Help me to be more like you, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, we are tired of living in a society full of half-truths, in a society that is based on criticism and murmuring. We are tired of living in a society full of selfishness, envy, and vanity. We are tired of the hypocrisy and say that we are Christians when our behavior is not similar to Jesus. The question is: What will you do to be an agent of change? Start today, saying “good morning” and you will see the difference. Pray, thank God for life, for what you don’t have, for some reason you don’t have it even if you don’t understand it now. Do not curse contrary to it say blessings.