For God knows that the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3: 5

We define consciousness as the knowledge that human beings have of their own existence, states, or acts. Therefore, conscience can be applied to the ethical, to the judgments about the good or evil of the actions carried out by human beings. The human is aware of his existence and of what surrounds him. We can differentiate between good and evil. Everyone based on their culture and religious or political ideology makes decisions that may or may not benefit their current state.

Consciousness … that we come to think that it is what benefits us or not. Consciousness … that leads us to understand the power that exists in us. Power that does not come from our own strength but from a consciousness that elevates us to the spiritual world. When we connect our consciousness to the divine presence, it is a supernatural element that the earthly human being cannot understand only the one that is governed by the rules of that spiritual world. Awareness…

Is it crazy, is it something supernatural that consciousness alone cannot understand? Is it that when we are on a plane beyond the natural, people cannot understand the magnitude that the power of God has led you to understand? Consciousness … that becomes more infinite every day, that we are no longer governed by the natural plane but by the spiritual one. Consciousness … that makes you see beyond what is in the natural world. How beautiful it is to know that they no longer look at you as before, but that consciousness tells you that you are different, an extraordinary being. Awareness…

Prayer: open your heart

Lord Jesus, I ask your forgiveness if I have offended you. Sorry if my conscious being has performed actions that have not allowed me to grow to the spiritual level that you want from me. Today I am aware of your power in my life and that this year will be great. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends this year that ends and the one that begins is of conscience. That we can determine that not everything has been negative, that behind each event brings us new experiences that will elevate us to another level. We create awareness and that we do not repeat the same mistakes but that we learn from them and that we are extraordinary. God bless you!