Absolute trust

I trust God and praise his word; I trust God and I don’t feel fear. What can a mere mortal do to me? Psalm 56: 4.

Absolute trust, mmm … when I analyze the word absolute, my mind takes me to mathematics. Yes, mathematics which many times we say that there are established theories that already exist and at the same time much of us we do not understand the meaning or do not understand the logical explanation. For example, the infinity symbol, the integration symbol, and so many other mathematical symbols that we assume is a fact. Therefore, when we talk about the symbol of absolute value, we see “|” as a symbol of absolute. Therefore, in practice, absolute value means that it does not matter if the number is negative, the result is always positive. For example, | -7 | = 7 and | 3-8 | = 5. Therefore, our trust is like a mathematical equation.

How is it that my life is like absolute value? When we are in pain, in illness, in emotional and mental crisis, relative is in jail, in the death of a loved one, in bankruptcy, in work stress, when your friends became enemies, when everything has collapsed, and so many other things that come into your life, it is then that we feel like the negative number. We think that everything is negative in our lives and that for the earthly man there is no solution. Therefore, within that despair, we find ourselves in a bottomless pit. But, today my dear friends, I want you to see your life from the mathematical perspective of absolute value.

When we begin to say as Psalm 56: 4 “I trust in God and praise his word; I trust God and I don’t feel fear. What can a mere mortal do to me? ”That is when you begin to move into the symbol “|” which means in the spiritual world that God is like the absolute symbol. It is then that you begin to place your absolute trust in God. So, if you deposit everything negative in the absolute box, which is God, all final results will be positive in all areas of your life. Consequently, God is the perfect equation incomprehensible by an earthly man of our days who still does not have a logical explanation of your positive results. You know why? Because only you and I know that by placing all absolute trust in God the final result will be peace for your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have ever doubted your power. Today, I want to deposit all my life situations in you, Jesus. I trust that every result will be one of blessing and peace in my life. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, when you think you have tried everything, I recommend that you bend your knees, but above all, bend your heart in the presence of God. Put all your burdens on him, Jesus, and you will see answers that for the earthly man there is no explanation. Therefore, you should have absolute trust in God.