A True Friend

No one has greater love than this: that one gives his life for his friends. John 15:13

Recently, I was talking with some people about the topic of who friends are. A subject in which many of you can identify. We have had friends in good times and bad times despite the distance. We have had friends who despite the years, without having visited or talked for a long time, are still those friends who have always been there for you when you need them. Friend, a word that can have a diversity of meanings. A friend is a person who has reciprocity with another person in which there is a relationship of love, loyalty, solidarity, unconditional, sincerity, and that there is a mutual commitment that is built. To search or have a person with these qualities, the truth is that these days can be difficult, but not impossible.

A true friend is one who helps you in times of difficulties or trials, but especially when temptations come into your life. A friend gives you the word of encouragement, hope, word of God, and above all, you will receive the help that is necessary to get up. So, a good friend cares about your spiritual, physical, and mental condition. A friend will let you know when you are right or wrong even if we don’t like it. A true friend is humble, if you fall, he/she will help you restore without spreading rumors about you. Therefore, it will help you carry your burdens, cry when you cry and laugh when you laugh. A true friend does not mock God. A friend is not a bluff, he/she is not falling in pride, he/she is not disobedient to their parents, he/she is not ungrateful, he/she is not cruel or he/she will hate what is good. A true friend is one who is prudent, is not arrogant, and loves God above all things. Therefore, a true friend is always to do well.

My dear friends, a true friend does not induce you to do evil. Always will seek harmony, love justice, live, and walk-in integrity. Therefore, a friend has an open heart to receive you. They are there to give you words of comfort, give you a hug, but above all, they are angels that God puts in our lives to remind us that there is a God who watches over and cares for us. If you face a battle, remember that if you think you have no friends on this earth, God is always willing to listen to you, and to send people to help you in your situation. Do not refuse to open your heart to someone new in your life, remember that you are a person of change on this earth and what better love than that of our God, who gave you to be the best friend for someone who needs a true friend in this earth. Having a true friend is not just a benefit, it is a necessity. Therefore, cultivate good friendships because they will help you strengthen yourself.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want you to give me the wisdom from above to be able to help people who need help, and words of comfort in the midst of their pain and be there in the joy. Thank you, my God, for being my best friend and that through you I can also be part of that beautiful relationship such as friendship. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to give you the opportunity to open your heart to those who are in need of a helping hand. You maybe like a bird of passage, but you will mark an important facet in the life of another person. But, above all remember that Jesus, love his friends. Therefore, time and distance are not a reason to stop being your friend. Value your friends and love them as yourself.