A new beginning

“What would life be like if we did not have the courage to try something new?” Vincent Van Gogh

I want to share with from the book A change of mentality is the key to success by Dr. Vicente Quintana. I start writing about a new beginning as I did with my life and my beloved husband. Those who have had the opportunity to read the book, life brought us good and bad surprises. While everything was good we were happy until we had to live the bad times. One of them was unemployment. The impact of unemployment on the family is a very difficult one, whoever has experienced it knows what I am talking about. The telephone started ringing due to the debts and the savings were used to try to update our debts. However, we ran out of savings and debts began to increase. Have you lived that or are you living it?

After the economic impact, we had to make decisions, and make financial adjustments. Therefore, the communication was critical to align ourselves with the new plans. One of the keys to success is to set goals and carry them out. Well, we started making adjustments to start paying off the small debts, what some call the “snowball”. To start with this new stage you have to be motivated and make decisions even if they are painful. You have to learn to value yourself, your spouse, and children and then, you will be able to help others. You cannot be given when you are making adjustments. So, to succeed you have to leave what you have or were doing to then acquire better things and start blessing others. You have to learn to do things that others do not dare to achieve in order to accomplish what you dream.

Do you want to start over? Some of the keys to change your mindset and be successful which the following are:

      1. Communication
      2. Decisions
      3. Goal
      4. Eliminate obstacles that prevent you from achieving your dreams
      5. Achieve what others do not dare, for you and your family.
      6. Establish a financial plan; begin eliminating small debts.

These are some tips that worked for me as well as my husband. You want to know more about how to be successful, you can get more details in the book A change of mentality is the key to success by Dr. Vicente Quintana at Amazon.com.

You can contact us at drvicentequintanaconsultant-llc.com. We want to help you be successful, this is not only for young people; this is for everyone.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. I am asking you for wisdom from on high to start over again and to not make the same mistakes again. I ask you in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

Many already completed the process of the return or taxes, and we ask ourselves where did the money go? It is not a time of lamentations, it is time to start again and now is the time.

I recommend you visit the website of Dr. Vicente Quintana Consultant, LLC in google where he presents the consulting services we offer.  In addition, I recommend that you buy the book “A change in mentality is the key to success” on Amazon. It is a simple and easy book to understand and is a passport to your success in all phases of your life.