
“Then Elkanah her husband said to her: Hannah, why are you crying and not eating? Why is your heart sad? Am I not better for you than ten sons? ” 1 Samuel 1: 8

In the field of psychology studies shows that crying is healthy because the pulse is normalized and breathing stabilizes which causes a relaxing effect ( Crying is a way to release tensions and after crying we feel free. So, crying is a time to release pain and even joy.

I remember the story of Hannah, who cried in the presence of God (1 Samuel 1). One day, Hannah went to the temple  and there she sadly prayed to Jehovah and wept abundantly. While she spoke in her heart and only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. So her way of praying with God was confused by Eli, the priest, because he thought that Hannah was drunk. Hannah answered “No, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit; I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have poured out my soul before the Lord “(1 Samuel 1:15).

I imagine the condition of pain that Hannah had at that moment and how she felt when she was confused as drunken by the priest. How often our pain is so great that we carry it as if it were a mourning, as if everything around us was dead. A sadness that overwhelms you and torments you. On the other hand, we read that Hannah’s request was answered and she became pregnant, which gave birth to a boy. Hannah then took her son to the temple as promised and there she worshiped Jehovah.

I imagine how great was her gratitude that in the midst of the adoration there were also tears of joy. Therefore, there are moments in our lives that we mourn for an immense joy that even people ask if something happens or happens to us.

Crying is a way of expressing an emotion and a feeling ( But, there are people who do not give themselves the opportunity to express that emotion for fear that someone else will say about them. Hence, they hide their feelings and carry it for many years in their hearts and in their nights, their emotions torment them. How much pain? In the field of psychology, this indicates that crying is repressed and it is important to relearn to cry as it has advantages for emotional health (

Dear friend, cry, cry, scream, and scream no matter if it is pain or joy. It does not matter what others say about you, if they confuse you like Hannah as if she was drunk. What matters is that your cry is heard by our God to heal your wounds, to answer your requests, and to calm your heart. So, get up from the altar, dry your tears, and walk like Hannah in faith because your tears will be transformed into tears of joy. God wipes your tears and your tear will be transformed in joy until the end of your days.

Prayer: Open your heart

Today, Lord, I am before your presence, asking for comfort and peace for my soul. My condition often does not allow me to be as I am. Many times I cry of pain, worry, sadness and many other things. Heal my wounds and the deepest part of my heart where nobody has seen, but you. Today, Lord Jesus turn my tears of pain into tears of joy and my joy will be transformed into eternal joy. Amen.

A friendly Advice:

Dear Friend, today stand up, dry your tears. Today is a day of victory. Raise your hands and give thanks to God, because God is in control of your situation. I recommend the following:

  • Talk to someone you trust.
  • Pray and read the Bible.
  • Ask God for direction.
  • Attend a church.
  • Go out, enjoy, and invite good friends or family.
  • Dress with cheerful colors.
  • Laugh and cry is healthy, it does not matters what others think of you. Crying is healthy to stabilize your body, which causes a relaxing effect and emotional health.

Therefore, if you cry of sadness or joy, remember that in the field of psychology crying is healthy and when God is in your life crying is a symbol of blessing.