
” For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse,” Romans 1:20

Friend, I do not know if it has ever happened to you that we have sometimes felt in doing or doing something special and we do not. For example, helping a stranger, praying for someone, carrying out special projects that God has commanded us to do, even constructions and many other things. But, we find ourselves saying some excuses that we finally do not do afterwards. Because the truth was more the “but” or excuses. “But” that came to our thoughts and dominated more than the heart or what God has commanded us to do.

  • But, how am I going to go to …
  • But, I do not have money even for myself.
  • But, nobody will believe me.
  • But, I do not have the people or the resources.
  • But, if I get infected.
  • But, if someone criticize me.
  • But, but, but … and the list of buts is infinite

Then, we feel remorse about why we do not realize what we feel at that precise moment and maybe it is already too late.

The truth is that as humans and weak in the faith, we doubt. We do not see beyond, only the dollar that we carry in our pocket, which you think you cannot give because you need it at that moment. And, we completely forget that God is the God of gold and silver. Although, it is precisely in that moment God was testing your faith and if you truly believe Him completely. The Bible says “Blessed are those who did not see and believe” (John 20:29). He also says in the Bible “faith moves mountains” (Matthew 17:20). Therefore, friend, faith is more powerful than a “but” or an excuse. When you execute that thought that came to your mind and heart, and turn it into action, faith will work in your favor. That is, God will always, always act on your behalf when you are a blessing to others and / or fulfill a divine mandate.

Have you doubted what God has commanded you to do? Well, pray, read the bible and ask for direction. God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but a spirit of power, love and self-control (2 Timothy 1: 7). Because if you have faith and act, you will find power and rewards that flow like milk and honey for you. What are you waiting for to activate your faith and believe God?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I apologize for failing and doubting your mandate. Forgive me. Today, I want to activate my faith and believe in your power to do what you tell me to do. I ask you wisdom. Help me to distinguish, that what you command me to do is not an emotion but the power of your Holy Spirit in me. Amen.

A friendly Advice:

Dear Friend, I recommend that you:
• Pray before doing anything. Fast and read the bible so that God will reveal to you what you should do.
• Consult with a pastor or minister of your Church
• Consult with people in your community to identify the need.
• You can give special offerings to the Church or community in order to cover a need.
• You can donate food, clothing, etc.
• If you want to visit a sick person or go to jail, talk to leaders or chaplains to go with you.

There are so many things to do, that the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. Today, do something for your neighbor and you will see how wonderful it feels to be part of the kingdom of God here on earth.