The fisherman

“Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Mathew 4:19

Today there is much talk about the disciples in Jesus’ life, but who were the disciples of Jesus? They were fishermen and one of them was a tax collector. When we analyze the life of a fisherman we find that a fisherman was a person who  is a worker, early riser, strong, merchant, patient, bad smell, possibly consumed some type of alcohol to control his cold body, intense and violent character, explosive temper, given to the fight, do not fear the storm, little or no education, do not fear the circumstances, do not give up, loyal to the end, awakened to the adventure, impulsive, honor and integrity was an important  criterion,  and knows where the fish are to make a good catch. These are some possible qualities of a fisherman in ancient times.

When we evaluate these characteristics of the fishermen we can say that they were businessmen and great workers to take the sustenance to their house. The circumstances of life lead them to form a personality of intense and explosive character in order to survive the adversities of those times. Until one day, Jesus saw beyond his condition and personality. Jesus saw people with great potential who could continue with the walk and purpose of God on earth. Jesus required men who could stand up to the end. With eyes of love and tenderness Jesus saw them, forgave them and only said “Follow me and you will be fishers of men”.

What did they see through Jesus, who left everything: work, money, welfare, friends, and family? They saw through Jesus their immense love, but above all his peace, and that in Jesus they would find a future full of hope and a kingdom full of glory. Through time they understood the mysteries and teachings of Jesus. The fishermen were transformed into powerful men to continue carrying the message of resurrection and salvation. That they went through the valley of shadow and death, yes, but their courage, strength, loyalty, integrity,  and fishermen’s honor were fundamental to live by Jesus Christ and be fishers of men.

Therefore, as human beings we carry many burdens, many torments, a unique personality, and to survive in these times we are like fishermen before knowing Jesus. But, how good that Jesus Christ sees us beyond reason and human logic. Jesus sees a fisherman of man. A man and / or woman with beautiful talents and with a passion to be different, so that his forgiveness and love raises us today with power to continue to a new beginning in Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I surrender to your presence, I am naked before you.  Who am I? Only a fisherman with so many conditions that the world tells me. But, today I come before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to be transformed in you, Jesus. Help me in my walk and my feet do not slip nor do my eyes go back. I ask you in your name, Jesus, for that beautiful blood that you shed on the cross of Calvary to cleanse my sins. Amen.

A friendly advice:

Dear Friend, sometimes the earthly man looks at your current condition and even takes the liberty of judging us by our physical condition, economic status, education, place of origin and many other things that for society are not “well seen”. But who are we to determine who you really are?

The only one who has that power to judge is our Jesus in the final judgment, but since the time has not yet come, he does not. While we are in this world, his mercy, his love and his forgiveness will be present until it is the final time of our earthly lives. Jesus, look beyond your current condition, Jesus sees in you a new son/daughter, a precious stone that will be useful in the hands of Jesus.

Today, I ask you friend, what do you expect to be transformed by the blood of Jesus? What do you expect to go through the seas and be a fisher of men? What are you waiting for to allow Jesus to be part of your life and your home? What are you waiting for to allow Jesus to erase your past and be a new creature in Jesus? What are you waiting for..? Tomorrow it might be too late.