God does not show favoritism

34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, Acts 10:34.

In the world we live in, we are surrounded by a diversity of people. Also, we must remember that God made us in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). The world would be boring if we were all the same. It’s good that there are different races, cultures, and religious and political ideologies that makes us interesting in the presence of God.

When we read the scriptures (Bible), we have a God of love, compassion, and forgiveness with humanity. Through the scriptures (Bible), we read how at various times God debated with the Pharisees about the truth in the written word and its actions (Saint Matthew 23, Saint Mark 11: 27-33, 12: 18-40). Moreover, we have a God who stayed in the house of a sinner and of bad reputation, Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 1-10). Even more, we have a God who spoke and approached the Samaritan woman (who by then was forbidden to talk the Jews to the Samaritans (John 4: 9), and neither with a woman. Additionally, we have a God who He gave the place (respect) to the woman when at that time the woman was not of value (Luke 8: 1-3) With all these experiences, we can see through the Bible how much love God has had with humanity from the beginning of creation.

It does not matter how society has labeled you or what name they have set to differentiate yourself from others or what many other things the society points out to you. Also friend, maybe you have something hidden that society does not see and cannot point out.

But, today I have to tell you that God does see everything that we do and He does not point you out. Today, I tell you my friend, who are we to judge others? (Saint Mathew 7: 1-6). God does not show favoritism because he loves all of us as equal. Who are we to call something impure if God has made it clean? (Saint Luke 10:15).

Only you, my friend knows your condition. The only thing that God asks of you is a repentance of heart. Jesus will forgive your present and your past to make you a new creature in Him. When there is a repentance, God cleanses with His redeeming blood and enters with His Holy Spirit to seal you and be part of the Book of Life. Well, how beautiful it is to know that the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10). Who are we to hinder God’s plans? (Luke 11:17).

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence today asking for your forgiveness. Forgive my sins, I want to be a new man / woman in you. I really do not know what to do with my life. I recognize that if you are there your power will  heal my wounds and will cleanse me of my sins. I have hidden sins that only you know. Forgive my way of speaking and expressing myself to others, and many other things that are in me. As I am Lord, I come to your presence. I do not know what to do with my humanity, but I do recognize that only in you, only in you can I find peace and forgiveness. Restore my life today and do it again even if it entails a lot of pain and sacrifice on my part. But, with you I can be confident because you, Lord Jesus, and your Holy Spirit will be present in my journey from now on. Amen.

A friendly advice

Friend (reader), today stand up in victory because if you have done this prayer of faith and forgiveness, today you have a new beginning in Jesus Christ, your God, my God. People will be raised as in the time of Jesus to criticize, find a fault and put obstacles in your way. Today, I tell you, do not let this affect your mental and spiritual state.

Today, I recommend that you seek help from a pastor (reverend or minister), a health professional, a psychologist, lawyers and / or other services that you need. There are also help centers that are free. Search the Internet networks near your area where these help centers are located.

Remember, there are no limits for you. You are a resilient who rises from the ashes, overcome everything and become empowered in the name of Jesus.