Life is unique

Only I know the plans I have for you. They are plans for your good, and not for your harm, so that you have a future full of hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Time passes… the energies and forces are not the same. Life is still one. There is no going backwards. Every start we propose goals and objectives to be able to align ourselves with what we want to achieve, but the reality is that everything depends on each circumstance that life brings us.

The beautiful thing about all these beginnings is that we give ourselves the opportunity to start something new. Moreover, what is pending can be completed. It is beautiful to know that we are still alive, that God gives us the opportunity to live fully. That age is a number, and each individual is special.

Love ourselves fully, love ourselves as we are. We should not live based on what people dictate but rather we know that we are divine beings and God has a special project for each one of us. Discovering, executing, and valuing them is up to you.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking you to give us the wisdom to complete our projects this coming year. I ask this in your name Jesus, amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, a new year begins where we give ourselves the opportunity to start and complete what is pending. Start with a short-term plan. I recommend that you define your goals. List and prioritize your tasks, assign dates, identify people who can help you, and visualize your goals.

Remember don’t stop, you are unique.