So many voices

And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, how long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. 1 Kings 18:21

We are surrounded by so many voices, voices that tell us so many things which can be positive as well as negative. We get confused in thinking not finding what decision to make or what to do. Many of us have lived in these situations where we cannot even reconcile the dream of thinking so much and hearing what others say or say about what concerns us.

Sometimes we have found ourselves in a situation where we must make decisions such as a simple vacation, just hearing where they want to go or what to do makes us anxious because a making a decision that benefits everyone is not easy. Or, when a doctor diagnoses you a disease and there are alternatives or not to cure that disease which we must decide the best alternative for our health. Moreover, the responsibility of a job whether it is convenient or not. Our head begins to flow so many thoughts that we go almost crazy from thinking so much. But do you know something my dear friends? We forget the most important thing that in the midst of circumstances, in the midst of decision-making, in the midst of so many voices, we forget to hear the voice of God.

The voice of God that in the midst of the noise cannot be heard, that in the midst of the storm cannot be heard and that in the midst of the opinions of so many people we cannot hear it. In 1 Kings 19 tells us that Elijah was afraid since they were looking for him to kill him, so he hid in a cave. Fear filled his thoughts that prevented him from hearing the voice of God, but it was in the quiet and dedicated whistle that he was able to hear the voice of God. In the silence, when everything seems deserted, it is the perfect time to hear the voice of God. It only requires that you stand aside alone to hear the voice of our Lord Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if my current circumstances have prevented me from hearing your voice. Allow me in this silence to be able to hear your voice and to feel peace in my heart with the decisions that I must make. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know that it is not easy when we have so many internal voices and we don’t know what to do. But I only recommend these steps:

    1. Realize the apathy.
    2. Recognize the true Authority.
    3. Repair the altar.
    4. Respond to conscience.
    5. Respond to obedience.

When we learn to discern and recognize the Voice of God, and then obey the Voice of God, we will experience a movement of God in our lives.