God of Opportunity

And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house. Luke 19: 5

Today, I want to tell you about a man who wanted to see Jesus, but his height did not allow him to see, his name was Zacchaeus (read story in Luke 19). So, seeing a tree nearby, he decided to climb the tree. He wanted to see Jesus, but Jesus was the one who saw him. Jesus was the famous one of those times as a famous one of our present time can be for you. Now, imagine that famous person can see you from the crowd, how would you feel?

Now, for many Zacchaeus was a thief or a sinner. But, Jesus didn’t care about his current state. Jesus knew that Zacchaeus was going to be a very important person in his kingdom. We imagine a very surprised Zacchaeus when Jesus told him “come down from that tree that I am going to stay at your house.” Zacchaeus did not reproach but received it with joy. Jesus was criticized for that action. Zacchaeus didn’t mind criticism either. So great was Zacchaeus’ joy that he told Jesus if he had failed in something, he would make amends.

How wonderful it is to know that Jesus did not judge Zacchaeus, but Zacchaeus also knew that some damage done had to be repaired. But, the most important thing is that Jesus looked at him, loved him but above all forgave him. Jesus is the God of opportunities, it only depends on us if you come down from the tree where you are and host Jesus in your heart. Jesus does not judge you on the contrary He sees you as his son and daughter. It is only up to you to receive Jesus into your home as Zacchaeus welcomed him with joy.

Prayer: Open your heart

God of heaven I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness and today to open my heart to your presence. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we are often frustrated by our current conditions. We get frustrated by what people say. But, you know we have to be like Zacchaeus and Jesus, the criticism did not prevent us from having a personal encounter. On the contrary, Jesus saw beyond what man can see. I only recommend that you reach out and talk to God in prayer and seek his presence through his word. Remember that everything will be fine and that you are special to Jesus.