The Surfer

Should you not fear me?” declares the Lord. “Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it. Jeremiah 5:22.

It is impressive when we see a surfer on top of the waves of the sea. Seen how his body weight is on a surfer board and he can keep his body balanced on the ocean wave. The surfer patiently waits for the swell to start the process to reach it and climb to the heights as a sign of victory. And, I wonder, is our life compared to the surfer?

The waves of the sea have an energy that carry across the surface of the waters. That swell is the perfect time for surfers to use that gravity on the surface of the water to achieve their goals. But, surfing to reach the top is not easy, there are battles, there are falls, and there are many attempts in which the surfer does not give up until reaching the top of the wave.

There are circumstances in life that are like the waves that arrive with that energy that collapses us. Possibly our arms get tired from swimming so much. But what a great satisfaction when we can use that huge wave to our advantage. Being able to be like the surfer and rise to the heights as a sign of victory and that this situation, no matter how difficult it may be, can be used as a channel to take us to the seashore. That shore where there is a limit where even that wave, no matter how much energy they have, cannot cross that border on earth. Therefore, your situation, no matter how difficult it may seem, cannot prevail forever.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking you for wisdom to be able to get to the safe place that you want for me. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know that it is not easy when we are in continuous battle and that it seems that we will never reach the desired goal. But you know something … there is nothing impossible for my God. He uses every situation to our advantage. Take some time alone, meditate, and talk to God. Then push yourself like the surfer and use that situation to your advantage.

See from another perspective how this situation X can be used to elevate yourself to another level. Do not be afraid of that wave because it will not be able to pass the limits established by supernatural law. Always remember that everything is within the control of God who created the sky, the earth, and the sea. Therefore, there is an order that has purposes in this world. Remember, “Though its waves churn, they cannot prevail; even if they roar, they will not cross that border. “