Conquer your fears

casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

There are times in our lives that we feel fear. A fear which traps us and does not allow us to continue. Fear, fear, anxiety, and many other synonyms to identify a feeling of the unknown. That fear that prevents us from reaching the other level. Moreover, we are discouraged, we feel abandonment to such an extent that we lock ourselves up like a turtle in its shell.

What is it that transmits fear to us? What or who are you allowing yourself to put as an obstacle to not reach the place you want to reach? We resist, we get tired of many times doing nothing because fear has taken a place in your life. So, it is time for you to stop hiding or running away. It is time to accept that or who you have allowed to invade your feelings, so it is time to accept it and confront it.

It is time that you see fear as your enemy, because the more you fight, it allows you to grow and empower yourself. Realize that it is really a struggle with yourself. For what is healthy, face those fears to grow in other areas of your life. It is time to conquer your fears. But above all, trust our God to help you conquer your giants.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence to request and ask you to help me identify my fears and face them with the confidence and power that you give me. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, has it happened to you that we do not sleep thinking about X or Y thing or someone and it turns out that the next day it is not half of what we think? It is important that in the face of adversity we must change our perspective and look at our fears as an opportunity to undertake something new.

Many times, it manifests itself in parts of our bodies as sweat on our hands, we blush. The heart accelerates among many other symptoms that paralyze us. Therefore, it is time to breathe deeply and exhale until your emotions normalize. By facing our fears, we overcome them. Remember that fear will always be present as you continue to develop. But the important thing is our Lord Jesus will help us to conquer our giants. Seek the Lord your God and He will answer you and free you from your fears so He will always take care of you.