In Its Presence

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. Mark 1:35

There come times in our lives that we are completely alone, what many of us call loneliness. Many times, we find ourselves talking to ourselves, and we wonder if we are already on the brink of insanity. And many times, we do not know if we really know how to make the most of that loneliness. Many of us like to be alone and others despair because they do not like loneliness. The silence of loneliness …

A solitude that silence occupies our space. A silence that our mind or thoughts accelerate to think so many things and we begin to speak without anyone being around us. We think if we no longer have families or friends and that everything we had has passed to another level of our lives. But … today God reminds us that we are not alone, but He wants to take advantage of that silence to start a conversation with you. Those intimate moments that invite us to an intimate relationship.

God never wanted us to be alone. Rather, we recognize that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Therefore, we have entered the kingdom to be able to approach the Father in communion and to be able to speak as if he were the intimate friend. He is a friend that we can cry, laugh, complain, and even question the processes of our lives. The best of all, He does not criticize us and that He loves us deeply. Only God wants us to get closer to him.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I want you to guide me in all my ways. Moreover, in this silence I can hear your voice where I can approach you with absolute confidence. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, at some point in our lives we all live loneliness and frustration of not being able to trust someone to be able to speak with all our concerns. But how good is God who reminds us that He is the High Priest, and we can enter his presence to speak as if he were the best intimate friend of our life.

Speak, express yourself, address Him with reverence, and you will see how good you will feel. The next time you think you are talking to yourself, or you feel seemingly lonely, you never really have been. God has always been present in your life as in mine. Just look for him in that silence, in that apparent loneliness.