Nothing is hidden

And Peter said: Ananias, why did Satan fill your heart so that you would lie to the Holy Spirit, and withhold the price of the inheritance? Acts 5: 3

Reading the scriptures, Bible, I find in Acts Chapter 5: 1-11 the story of Ananias and Sapphira. This was a matrimony that hid information. Therefore, the most surprising thing is that they die instantly from being discovered. Today perhaps we do not die instantly but, we are punished by justice depending on the information that we owe before a court of law. Perhaps there are many non-serious cases that are worth going to court like the famous white lies. There comes a time when we believe lies and make them part of the daily routine of our lives. What do I mean my friends by this introduction?

Life is one, peace of mind is one, and loving each other is something very special. Having peace of mind with our consciences and going to bed and getting up every day without regrets, not having to excuse ourselves with a lie, makes us extraordinary in this polluted world. Hiding something behind a lie is what causes a huge whirlwind because there will come a time when you do not know what you said before that we fall into the trap of the lie itself.

My friends, it is not worth hiding behind lies. It is time to discover yourself and love yourself as you are. The life is subject to the Creator who died for you and me. He was the one who gave us the opportunity to start over as a blank page to write a new stage and experiences without lies. He broke the curtain in order to have access to the throne and the grace of our Jesus. Today, give yourself the opportunity to shine in the dark so that your mind and heart are pure before the life that God has destined for you

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I come before your presence to ask your forgiveness for all that I have wanted to show and hide. But, I know that your love cleanses me and gives me a new opportunity to start something new in my life. I ask in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, if you are an impulsive liar, seek help from a mental health professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Seek help from your pastor or advisor or friend. It is never too late to clarify your current situation. But, above all, seek God through prayer and his word and give yourself the opportunity to experience his love for you.