Friday arrived!

So do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will bring its anxiety. His own evil is enough for each day. Matthew 6:34.

Many times we wait for Friday to arrive… Friday, where we leave work and even housekeepers behind to go out and have fun. We make the most of Saturday and Sunday and also make time to attend church preferably. Awesome arrived Friday! Finally, Friday arrived! These are the most common expressions used according to your place of origin. We make a stop from the day-to-day work, as it is Friday. But, it is Friday the only day to stop?

My dear friends we forget many times that such it exists Monday through Thursday and you do not have to be so stressed to be able to take time and stop and look at the flowers of the field, listen to the sound of the birds, and even hug the loved one who is at your side, as if it were the last day. During the week there are so many beautiful moments that we miss the mere fact that we don’t have time for anything. That is why I want you to imagine every day as if it is Friday. If today is Friday, what would you do?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus help me today to trust your processes and that everything is within your controls. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, there are times when we have to take time for ourselves. Times to rest and reflect. There are times when we need to release the stress of the day and what better way than to go out to the park, walk, and take time with your loved ones. If you have children, seek for someone to help you. No matter your situation, look for and talk to someone who can help you in your processes.