7 Do not be surprised that I told you: It is necessary for you to be born again. 8 The wind blows where it wants, and you hear its sound; but you do not know where it comes from, or where it goes: So, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. John 3:7-9

Recently, I was talking with one of my best friends and godmother, while we talked about how my life has been transformed and everything that I have lived, the word “resilience” came to her mind.
She did not know well why that word came to her mind, but she told me to look for what it meant because she understood that the word resilience had something to do with me. When we are connected with the spiritual world and still do not understand, God continues to show us the way that leads us to the next level.

Once the conversation was over, I decided to look for its meaning, finding the following:

Resilience is s that ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the ashes. (Retrieved from Resilience in the field of psychology is understood as the ability of the person to face their own problems, overcome obstacles and not give in to pressure, regardless of the situation. It is the ability of an individual to overcome periods of emotional pain and traumas. It roughly corresponds to the term “integrity”. The theory says that resilience is the individual’s ability to be assertive and make a decision when they have the opportunity to take a correct attitude, despite being afraid of what that may cause (Retrieved from

If you have read the blogs of the month of September 2018 which I have talked about my life, you will notice that my life has been “knocked down by the circumstances of life but, I get up stronger than ever.” I have not allowed the failures to drain me or take me as people say “to the grave”. I have risen from the ashes, with the help of God, my loved ones and friends.

I remember the story of Deborah (Bible: Judges 4-5). She was the only female governor for a time that was dominated by men, she was a wife, a woman of war, a woman with strength and courage, an intelligent and wise woman, a prophetess, woman of talents (poet), and arose as a mother of Israel. The enemy had her people oppressed with cruelty for twenty years. She never gave up. One day, she sent for one of her men, Barak, to know why he have not obeyed God’s order to go to a war. But, Barak said to her “If you will go with me, I will go, but if you will not go with me, I will not go”. She led by God accepted to go with him.  However, Deborah told to Barak that the glory will not be his, the glory will land into the hand of a woman.

Studying these characteristics of Deborah, we have all experienced oppression at some point of our lives and also giving orders under the palm as Deborah did. Until, one day someone says “If you do not go, I’m not going”. Then, this is the moment where you realize that you have been immersed in so many other things that we have forgotten that we have the power, the authority, the talents, the family and friends, the wisdom and intelligence, and the courage to get up and fight against the adversities that life brings us.

It is time to say like Deborah, “get up we are stronger than ever” because this is the day that Jehovah will help you to conquer the different obstacles that appear in the path of your walk. Well, my friend, it is time to get up and “shake off” depression, divorce, unemployment, illness and many other things that only you know because in this universe there is something new for you . Are you a Resilient? Well, it’s time to be reborn again.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me for offending you and not often doing your will. Here, I am in your presence, asking for wisdom and new strength in each dawn. I want to be reborn again. I know that to be reborn you must be submerged in your presence. Today, I rise in your name, Jesus, from the dust, I shake my spirit from deep sleep and from conformity. Today, I want to be like Deborah who arose from the palm to face the enemy who oppressed her people so much. Therefore, today, I declare a new rebirth, today I am a resilient in you. Amen.

A friendly advice

God has given man / woman the opportunity to be reborn again. We know according to the word of God, “that the wind blows and we do not know where it comes from or where it is going, but everyone who is born of the Spirit of God will have a new rebirth”. Dear friend, today you are reading this blog, I want to tell you that there are always new opportunities. It only depends on you, to break with the old customs and traditions that bind you. Do not let failures overtake you and exhaust you, it’s time to say “IT IS ENOUGH!” Today, with the help of God, get up from the ashes and get up stronger than ever because from now on everything will go well for you.