No longer smells like roses

The desert and loneliness will rejoice; the wilderness will rejoice and flourish like the rose. Isaiah 35: 1

There are moments that memories come into our lives. Memories of the smell of the scent of flowers including the peculiar smell of a rose. That smell that awakens our senses and reminds us of so many things …

Flowers remind us that spring has arrived. The flowers remind us of the details such as mother’s day, birthdays, lovers and even death. Flowers awaken us that smell that we never want to forget. The flowers with their colors express that tenderness of what that feeling or that special moment that comes into our lives can represent.

But … there comes a time when flowers lose their leaves, lose their color, and lose their aroma. And, if we leave it in that jar with water for a long time, it withers, and if we do not cultivate it, it will die, and with time those majestic colors turn dark. Therefore, there are moments in our lives when the magic is lost, the essence of what that relationship was one day is lost. The flowers can represent both the love towards something that started as well as the love that went to the grave of that loved one. It no longer smells like roses is the saying we hear and that saying makes sense.

Is it that with the detail of a flower we can relive memories? Or is it that the flowers no longer have the same meaning as they did before? Times when we think it no longer smells like roses …

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I am in front of your presence asking you to be the gardener of my heart. That you are sowing love in my heart. I ask it in your name Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, perhaps for many they have lost that essential that one day was. Hope may have been lost. Perhaps there is no longer that fragrant smell that one day was that relationship. But, do you know something, there is a gardener who can help you grow that flower that once was.  Just seeks help and I regain what once was. It is never too late for the opportunities in your heart. Let the gardener par excellence, Jesus, work your heart.