What happened to us?

“Two are worth more than one, because working together is better for both. If one falls, the other lifts it. On the other hand, the one who is alone does very badly when he falls because there is no one to help him. If two lie down together, they will warm each other, but if someone sleeps alone, there will be no one who will warm them. One can only be defeated, but two defend themselves better. It is because the three-stranded rope does not break easily. ” Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12

It requires you to change your world. I was recently reading a book and it turns out it is from social media marketing. Reading it, I came across a story that caught my attention, so I had to reflect. The story was about a married couple who got divorced. One party was suffering greatly, but that party knew that in order to regain their marriage, they first had to change. And, in changing their process, the other part also changed. Therefore, the couple understood that it only requires someone to initiate the process of change for there to be good results.

A relationship between two who are different people, with different tastes, different personalities and so many other things that are discovered in coexistence that many times we do not like. But, there was something that brought us together, what was it? What caught my attention from the opposite pole? Who is the electron and who is the proton? There was an extraordinary force, which they call love. The love that unites a couple as an extraordinary force that we do not see the defects of the beloved until….

Something was broken in the process; something was left to do as we began to see the other person’s flaws. Something that uncovers our eyes, and we see that the loved one is totally different. He is no longer the same as how we speak, how we look at each other, and even how we touch each other. Times to reflect … Times to understand that if one day you wake up to a reality that is no longer the same, let’s ask ourselves, what did we stop doing? What were our priorities? And, at what point did I stop being us to be just you?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you to forgive me if in something I have failed in my relationship with my partner. Today, I want you to be the center of my home and my life. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, many of us have experienced a separation leading to divorce. Know that there are sieges that are weakening the marriage such as infidelity, lying, and many other things. But, there are actions that little by little are breaking the love relationship between the two. I want to share an article from https://www.excelsior.com about 6 things that slowly kill a marriage, according to experts therapeutic in couple relationships there are some silent behaviors by which a marriage ends in divorce which are the following:

  • They neglect their friends

Spending time with your partner is very important but remember also that there are good friends before your partner. It is unrealistic for you to be completely dependent on your partner for your social and emotional needs. Therefore, each one should have a space to share with their friends.

  • Underestimating physical displays of affection.

Many times, we manage to reduce the hugs or kisses to the partner, we even schedule the days to have sex and it is time to change that routine. My dear friends, it is not necessary to have sex every day, but some kind of sexual or erotic contact is important within the relationship.

  • Your friends are a bad influence

While it’s important to keep your friends close, surrounding yourself with the wrong kinds of people can negatively influence your relationship. It is important for you to know that the behavior of your friends influences your marriage, whether you realize it or not, “If your friends complain privately about their partners or take advantage of being alone to flirt with other people, they could intoxicate their relationship and change your habits. ”

  • They don’t help each other with household chores.

Your partner cannot be responsible for washing, cleaning, and cleaning everything in the house. A study conducted by the University of Alberta, Canada, showed that couples who do not divide housework have less satisfaction with the relationship and less sex. The study showed that “It doesn’t matter if you are the messy one and your wife is the orderly one, what matters is that both know that they have responsibilities at home and they fulfill them”,

  • They do not talk about worries.

Communication is important, beyond every day, how was your day? Or what plans do we have for the weekend? Talking about what we like and what we do not like is essential to maintain love.

  • They have already become housemates

Roommate syndrome is a silent relationship killer. Once you achieve the title of ‘housemate’ and live a separate life only connected by space, bank accounts, and children, you reach a point of routine that is difficult to break.

Los therapeutic recommends that couples focus their efforts on spending quality time together, creating a project, or doing different things.