Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31: 6

Times come in our lives when we fight for values, ideals, and convictions. We fight for the welfare of our people and for our country. On the battlefield there are many experiences that we will remember and that we will never forget.  There are times of losses as well as times of victory. Whatever the circumstances, you must always be alert and continue until you win.

Night comes and day comes, we go to bed thinking if there is a tomorrow. We daydream. What does the moment hold, what does the future offer us? We do not know. We only think for a moment “what are we doing in these circumstances?” We leave our loved ones behind and you don’t know if we return to the arms that hugged us. We think …

We can only ask the Supreme God to take care of my life and those around us in a moment that we will not know if we will be able to return to that greenness that our eyes once saw. The eyes that have seen pain, sadness, desolation, and frustration. When the agony ended, then, what we have lived will never be erased and the memories will remain alive as long as I live.

And, this is the life of many who participated in wars to be where we are. Thank you warrior: thank you for taking care of us and our country. May our God bless each one of you for giving your life for our country.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today we ask you for all the soldiers and veterans of our country. May it be you taking care of them wherever they are and that the covering of your Spirit is in each one of them. We ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, the life of a soldier is not easy. They have been on guard when you and I sleep. They have sacrificed their life and family to give their lives for their homeland. Let us acknowledge your courage and your love for the well-being of a Nation. God bless all the veterans of our country in their day.