
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34.

Many times we have found ourselves so busy that we forget to breathe. Breathe … Nowadays with everything that is happening with COVID-19, many households suffer from stress, they are no longer just housewives, professionals, but have even become teachers, they have more roles than usual. Everything has been combined in one day.

The day is not usual anymore, it is no longer 8 working hours, those working hours have tripled and there is no salary that pays for all those tasks that the day brings. We have found ourselves without breathing; the oxygen is no longer the same. Our body needs a little natural air, breathe, and breathe … When we find ourselves in a situation that we already feel like you can’t take some time for yourself. You are important. Take some time to love yourself.

Breathing brings benefits where our muscles relax. Therefore, it allows us to fill our lungs causing a decrease in heartbeat and thereby relax our muscles. By breathing we have control of our emotions; therefore, by controlling the rhythm and depth it helps us to have a clearer state of our thoughts. By breathing we feel calmer and it allows us to restrain anxiety. My dear friends, let’s not forget that each day brings your eagerness, do not worry about the future, breathe, and look at the present with peace of mind because God will help you day by day.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking for your forgiveness. I ask that I can breathe and fully trust you. Just as the birds of the sky and the beauty of nature, you take care of them, so my life is in your hands. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I know we are living in difficult times. We live more stressed than the normal, but today it is time for you to take time for yourself. Breathe, look around you, love yourself and enjoy the simplest things in life such as breathing. Do not worry because each day brings a new purpose.