The eagle and the serpent

“But those who wait for Jehovah will have new strength; they will lift wings like eagles; they will run and not tire; they will walk and not grow weary. Isaiah 40:31

Recently, this message was sent to me and I want to share it with you:

The eagle does not fight the serpent on earth, but takes it to heaven, changes the battlefield, and then lets it go. The snake has no stamina, power, and no balance in the heights. In its terrain the serpent is powerful and deadly, but in the heights it is useless, weak and vulnerable, therefore, take your struggles to the heights in prayer and God will fight the battle for you. Don’t fight enemies in their comfort zone. Change the territory of the battle, take it to the top and you will have the certainty of victory.

How many times have we encountered situations or people that are toxic, who have a “but” for everything, and sometimes damage the processes that other people or even themselves truncate their goals and objectives. On this earth there are many snakes such as envy, jealousy, resentment, selfishness, and many other factors impacting even health. Health? Yes, health because fighting snakes people can fall into an emotional state of depression, low self-esteem, and insecurities. But, you know something my dear friends there is a solution.

There are solutions for every circumstance. We have to be like the eagle; take your snake to the heights. Can’t fly? For taking your serpent to the heights is to present them to the doctor of doctors, the teacher of teachers, the lawyer of lawyers, which is our Lord, Jesus. Even the eagle cannot fight alone;  has to resort to the heights to be able to beat the serpent. Today is the day that you can choose to free yourself from your snake. What are you waiting for?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to fly into your presence to help me in my process. Take control of my life and eliminate any snake that is binding my life. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

A friendly advise

My dear friends, it is time for you to empower yourself in your life. It’s time for you to take control like the eagle. Don’t wait until too late to seek professional help. Also, remember that there is a God who sees everything and will do you justice. Fly to heaven, “Call to me and I will answer you” Jeremiah 33: 3.