Fear of the unknown

Are you not afraid of me? “Declares the LORD.” Do you not tremble before me, who made the sand as the border of the sea, a perpetual limit that will not pass? Though the waves are stirred, they will not prevail; about her. Jeremiah 5:22

Many times we have found ourselves facing the sea, so immense, with a horizon without limits and at the same time so small we see ourselves when we are submerged in it. But we know that when we touch the sea, when we submerge our feet, we feel calm, we feel that the sea makes us an invitation to immerse our body in it.

We see the blue color, we see the green color or the transparency in which it makes us feel peace and that within the sea there is a ground that we step on, giving us the confidence that there is something that sustains us under our feet.

The air blows, caresses our hair, and caresses our bodies. The air whispers to us all that eveything is well. Just breathe in, breathe out, and fill your lungs with the wisdom that nature gives us. How beautiful it is to know that we are surrounded by trees that shelter us with their shadows, a sea that tells us to rest and a ground that supports us, but above all an air that blows fully without saying anything.

Fear of the unknown, but with the confidence that I am surrounded by a wonderful energy, an energy that gives my spirit that there is something beyond the usual, that invites me to be at peace and immerse myself with the peace that God gives me who overlooks the majesty of nature.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want you to help me feel confidence and give me the wisdom to make decisions. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time that we give ourselves the opportunity to explore new experiences and overcome your fears. Give yourself the opportunity to participate in new things. Get out of your comfort zone, get out of your routine. My dear friends, it is time to explore new horizons. Trust in God.