
Consider the lilies, how they grow; they do not work or rotate; But I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory dressed like one of these. Luke 12:27

Flowers dress nature in colors. Colors that there is no way to assimilate those colors with the colors that man tries to imitate. The red of the roses, the yellow of the sunflower, the blue of the iris, so there are a variety of colors that our flowers provide us. The flowers are a delivery of love that gives us tranquility, harmony, passion, energy, and its aroma is so pleasant that it awakens our senses. It is a pleasant and healthy experience that gives us a wellness benefit.

What benefit do flowers bring to our lives? Flowers bring us joy, as we see in loved ones when they receive flowers as gifts. In addition, we use it in our homes and in all kinds of activities. Not only are flowers to be use in our lives, but they are used to make exquisite perfumes. We also use flowers as an ingredient in skin creams, infusions, among other uses. The usefulness of flowers also has calming effects and provides many benefits for our health. My dear friends, when you feel sad or want to calm down, remember that flowers are a gift from God not only to dress nature but also to bring well-being to your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, allow your love to be in us like the flowers of the field. Fill our hearts with that tranquility and that we can see the beauty of your love in others like the flowers of the field.

A friendly advice

My dear friends, take the time to look around you, you can always see in nature what you are looking for. Breathe, look beyond normal,  and open your mind to explore beyond the senses. Remember that you are not alone.