Don’t hesitate in your decisions

And if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives abundantly and without reproach, and it will be given to you. James 1: 5

If any of us is lacking in wisdom, let him ask God who gives to all in abundance and without reproach and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, without hesitation, without hesitation and without hesitation, because he who hesitates is similar to the waves of the sea that are driven by the wind.

How many times in life does a believer ask God for help and when God leads him, he still wonders if what he is doing is right? Sometimes people fear the unknown especially when they have big projects for God or when we have to do something. When we feel that we are doing something and we doubt we begin to hesitate, which is why our decisions are similar to the waves of the sea when it is blown by the wind and displaced with the shock of the other waves.

Through life we ​​are all go through situations where we are going to be good one day and others bad. We will go through episodes where fear seizes us in the face of circumstances and adversities in life. But, the word of God is clear when it says: Cry out to me and I will answer you. I strongly believe that God is calling us to be obedient. God is calling us to be his will before his word. When God calls you, there is a strong urge in our heart to exercise that mandate. You cannot hesitate like the waves of the sea. You cannot leave for tomorrow what God tells you to do today. If God tells you to do it, it is because wonderful things will come for your life. I strongly believe when God guides you on a mission, you receive rewards for what you are being faithful and obedient.

When we agree to do the will in fidelity and obedience, we observe how the results that you so longed for arrive, for example, that son who once lost his way and has now returned as the prodigal son. Doing your will without having to hesitate is what will lead you to be a person of high spiritual standards. Therefore, if you feel that God is speaking to you, I recommend that you do not hesitate, just pray, and put into action what the Lord is entrusted to you.

How many of us have received the word of the Lord to direct his work? Today, I tell you that if you are obedient, your house, and your family will be saved. Their problems will subside and their emotions will return to how they were when we were children. You and I will be witnesses that when we ask the Lord, his work highlights our lives as when we are unaware of something and we ask God for the wisdom to know the path that we must follow.

A bit more on the subject believing is without hesitation. If you have faith and do not doubt you are capable of doing extraordinary things. Today, the Lord is telling us to walk and do not stop, even though the waves of the sea are strong, cloudy, and disorganized therefore, believe in the Almighty God who will sustain you before the waters of the angry sea. Do not hesitate that “I am your God who guards you and protects you to eternal life.”

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness. Forgive me if I have offended you and for not hearing your voice in the midst of circumstances. I ask that each decision be unique and full of wisdom. I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advise

My dear friends, life leads us to experience ups and downs at every step we take in our lives. We will live episodes that fear takes over, but it is good to know that we can ask for advice from a good friend, pastor, counselors, among others. But above all, pray and ask God to help us complete the goal.