Constructive criticism

“If your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. Matthew 18:15

There are many people who criticize  X or Y things, perhaps they are destructive or other constructive. But, today I want to write to you about constructive criticism. I love listening to a friend or family who loves us and wants the best for us when they come to us and tell us that we must improve. How good it is to know that there are people who are attentive to us and do not want any harm, on the contrary, they want the best of the best for us.

Knowing that there are people who want the best of the best, I feel confident that they will not let us fall. They will not allow others to hurt us with their comments. In the face of negative criticism, it is better that they tell us the truth to continue growing in the career. I remember, as recently as now when my loved ones approached us to tell us to take care of ourselves in the presentations we make live, because the image and professionalism is something that everyone is seeing. Your constructive criticism has been valuable in improving the work we do for everyone on a daily basis.

There are moments when we think we are on the right track, but it is good to know that there are people who tell us not to go there. Your recommendations, your experiences, and your wisdom are very important criteria when there is a council for our well-being and professional growth. So, my dear friends, when a person approaches us with constructive criticism, do not take it wrong, because it is so that you continue to grow in a world where there are observers who are friends as well there are enemies.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence thanking you for the angels here on earths who are watching over us. Bless them and continue to give them wisdom and insight for their lives as those of their loved ones. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is good to know that there are people who love us and want the best for us. Please listen to their advice and suggestions as this will allow us to continue growing as people.