Calm! Do not be afraid

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Calm down! It’s me. Don’t be afraid. Saint Matthew 14:27

Recalling Peter’s passage when he asked Jesus to allow him to walk on water, he step out of the boat obeying Jesus’ command. This event required faith. Looking at this scenario, we see that Peter made a mistake. What was that mistake? He spent a lot of time watching the storm so he got scared. Thus, doubt, fear, and disbelief overwhelmed him and he began to sink.

Peter asked Jesus to save him, and Jesus did. Once Pedro returns to the boat, the storm subsides. By analyzing this scenario, we can reflect that, when the storm arrives in our lives, it is time to anchor ourselves and take control of our lives. We are afraid to get out of our comfort zone and get out of the boat. Very often, the storm stops as soon as we give up and return to our safe place.

Many times we allow the enemy to take control when the storm hits our lives. They blur us from the mission or plan. During a storm, a mental battle begins that begins to instill insecurities in us. Our minds begin to form that battlefield. That is why we should not make decisions based on our thoughts or emotions. Therefore, it is important to take time with yourself, keep quiet, keep silent, and meditate. But above all, seek to consult your thoughts with God. When you give yourself that moment of reflection you will find the same position that you had at the beginning. My dear friends, do not allow doubt and unbelief to rule your thoughts instead of your heart.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness. Today, I want you to help me continue with the plans that you have for me. That everything is in your controls and not in mine. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, many times we have come across plans that make us get excited and really want to. But, there comes a time when uncertainty invades us, fear invades us which makes us hide again. Many times fear and stress do not allow us to think clearly making decisions that overshadow our future. When you find that the storm invades your thoughts do not be afraid keep looking at the Target, Jesus. Seek help.  Don’t make decisions under stress, anger, or fear.

Take time to meditate, be quiet for a moment, and listen to what your spirit tells you.