
With all diligence guard your heart, For from it spring the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23.

I have taken a moment to meditate and I think that life leads us to a transformation. I can compare that transformation to a chameleon. The chameleon is a reptile that has the ability to change color in order to over-exist its circumstances. The experiences lead us to continue learning. There are falls and highs but the important thing is that we get up in the process and transform.

Life leads us to continue learning, it leads us to continue transforming ourselves. Therefore, each moment leads us to live our processes like the chameleon, changing colors. Smile, love, cry, scream, suffer, console, have approval, empathy, freedom, nostalgia, pride, security, tranquility, sadness, and so many other emotions that lead us to be who we are. Who we are? A question that leads us to reflect on who I really am. How do my friends, family, and acquaintances see me? Another question that also leads us to reflect.

We look in the mirror … our past, present, and future how life leads us day by day to live and experience new things. It leads us to be chameleons to survive in good moments like not pleasant moments. How rich it is to know that we are like the chameleon, we adapt and transform according to the moment we live. It is time to change and transform your life to one full of colors. What are you waiting for to transform like the chameleon?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I ask your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have forgotten that only in you can I find myself and become the person you want me to be. Help me in my new transformation. I ask you in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, we live times that the world and the circumstances that we live lead us to continue learning and lead us to transform everyday things that we used to do. It is time to stop, look how we were before and how i sour present, and what future awaits us. Time to make decisions, time to be wise, and protect ourselves in the midst of circumstances that we live. But, above all, seek God in difficult times, pray or talk to Him because he listens 24/7.