Loneliness, the 21st century epidemic at the time of the coronavirus pandemic

Do not reject me in the time of old age; do not forsake me when I lack strength. Psalms 71.9.

Difficult times have come to our world, as is the coronavirus which has impacted the entire planet. The impact of coronavirus is so huge that borders have closed, quarantined population,  impacted the economy, and leaders who no longer know what to do. Quarantine is a shocking factor in the lives of many people, so much so that we have forgotten the loneliness that an epidemic causes in our world. Loneliness is not an event that only impacts older people but also our teenagers and young people. Perhaps, no one has stopped to look for a moment and see the suicide rate or the isolation rate that causes loneliness in the lives of many?

My dear friend, loneliness is the epidemic of the 21st century. In times of the coronavirus we think that everything is under control if we isolate ourselves and that is fine, but what about our elderly, our population who are sick, prisons, hospitals, and many others people who are isolated and can no longer we can see or visit? We recognize that there are times when it is healthy as an individual to spend time alone to evaluate or reflect on the next steps in our life. But, what we can do before the feeling of loneliness that invades our lives? My dear friends, in times like this days we are living in a period of isolation. Therefore, it is important to evaluate and take control or eliminate negative internal dialogue from our minds. We all have an internal critic who continually seeks to sabotage everything we do. At the same time we all fall into this negative internal dialogue without realizing it. Pay attention to your thought processes and your internal dialogue. If necessary, replace these limiting thoughts and negative internal dialogue with more encouraging, positive messages, music, and motivational and inspirational messages.

In times of loneliness there are moments that allow us to assess what are the toxic relationships. Many people do not feel alone because they are physically alone but because they lose certain things or person in their existing relationships. Perhaps this may be a sign that not all of your relationships are as good as they should be. If you’re dealing with toxic relationships or controlling people who do nothing but drain your energy and care little about your well-being, consider letting that relationship end. Also, it is time to determine what you are missing. Evaluate what you can do or incorporate into your life that makes you happy and breaks loneliness.

Now, if you often feel lonely, what can they do?

a.        It is time to enjoy what being alone can bring you. Time to take care of yourself, to do what you like, to reflect and connect with your emotions, you will not have to try to make anyone happy, only yourself, and also, being alone makes us feel more independent and freer. Use the right time to use that time you have for yourself to make major improvements in your life.

b.      But, we are social beings who need to relate. Get in touch with other people who are alone. So the other thing you can do is spend some of your time trying to meet new people, so join the intranet communication visit your Facebook get in touch with your friends and families, you have called. Also, for example, you can take a course or signing up for something you like online, in this way you can interact with people who, from the start, share the same hobbies as you. Study with your children. Call institutions or organizations if you can volunteer for something within your community or church, even if it is via intranet or telephone. Begin to meditate or pray and read the Bible. Also, read a new book – don’t just focus on the news. Make crafts. Spend more time with your family (note: there are parents or people who are working at home, be careful, take time for your family since you are at home).

We all know that there are good times in loneliness. But, in these moments of isolation it is critical that we be alert and aware of all our parents, children, friends, neighbors, and even the enemy. It is time to forgive healing wounds and allow God to accompany you every day of your life. Remember that you are not alone, that you have a comforter and his name is Jesus. It invites you not to be alone. What are we going to do to avoid the epidemic of loneliness?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking for forgiveness if I have had negative thoughts in my solitude. Today, I want you to occupy my life and that your presence God is always with me, thus breaking the loneliness. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I want to tell you that you are not alone. There are many people who loves you. To you, who have lonely people in times like this, give a call. Talk to them via phone call or intranet. If you have your family with you, watch their behavior. It’s time to spend time with yours. Moreover, take time to praise the Lord Jesus in your home.