Declare with your mouth

so will my word come out of my mouth, it will not return to me empty without having realized what I desire, and achieved {the purpose} for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11.

There are moments in our lives that we say so many things without thinking about the consequences of what we once said to our son, to a friend, to our parents, to our enemy. We have also found ourselves saying negative things about ourselves as for example I will not achieve it, it is not for me, etc. Elsewhere, we curse our work, we talk that my son or daughter or my parents, spouse or friend is an addict, a lazy, a drunk, and so many other things that only you recognize. Today, the time has come to declare blessing instead of curse.

It is time to say my child is a worker, my work is a blessing, my boss is the best, my future is a successful one, my child, my spouse, my family and everything I have belongs to God. I declare a time full of abundance, I declare a healthy family, I declare that my business will grow and it will be a blessing for others because it is time to say positive things so that the universe hears the powerful words that comes from you is an extraordinary one.

My dear friends, it is time to stop looking at your neighbor, it is time to not declare pessimistic things, it is time to self-examine and declare how powerful and wonderful you are, that your family is unique and everything around you belongs to you because you are a child of God. Nothing was created without purpose. If you exist in this universe, it is because you have something extraordinary to offer and that you will also receive great blessings in your life. It depends on you to declare by your mouth the blessing and power of God over your life and home.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness if by my mouth I have declared something that has not been a blessing in my life. Today, I declare that you are my God and that everything will go from blessing to blessing. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time that we make a stop in our life full of so much eagerness. It is time to meditate on our words before they leave our mouth. We must ask ourselves, what am I going to say is a blessing or a curse? This will gives us time to reflect before speaking.