
But what comes out of the mouth, the heart comes out, and this contaminates man. Matthew 15:18

Sometimes we think the words are blown away but, how true is that saying? We talk or say things that by taking some time to evaluate what we said, are perhaps not the most correct words or the best way to express or verbalize. Perhaps they were words that, because of your mood, you said them without thinking, provoking a negative action towards you or the other person who received the information. We use hurtful comments, negative comments which cause injuries to the person who hears or reads them. Many times our words cause low self-esteem in ourselves. But what about this situation?

If we use negative words or negative messages to our children, friends, partners, even to ourselves or another person, what are we causing? We are causing a negative mental and emotional state. Words stop the individual from growing up, from continuing towards the goal, discouragement, illness, poverty, death and so many other things that can reach your mind and heart. It is time to stop and reflect that we are children of God. From our lips or mouth come words that are powerful. Words that can lead us to poverty or wealth either physical, spiritual, social, mental or emotional. It is time to wake up. It is time that you pronounce positive and powerful words out of your mouth. It is time to bless your children, it is time to say words of encouragement and support.

God has promised us beautiful things so, we must pronounce words that are successful, words of blessing, word of healing, freedom, joy, unity, compassion, and help. God has not given us the spirit of cowardice but a spirit of victory. It is time that we are the difference in everyone’s life and be a channel of blessing. Today, change the way you speak and you will see the results in your life and around you. Remember that you are the son and daughter of a living and powerful God.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me, my God, for all that I have said and caused pain in other people. From now on I want to speak like you, Jesus. I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I know that it is not easily many times to control our emotions. But, it’s time to breathe, breathe, and breathe. Remember that what you say through your mouth is a reflection of your interior. Seek help from a professional, attend a church of choice, pray, and read the bible. But, especially when you have a relationship with Jesus, your spirit, body, and mind begin to react differently. Be a source of blessing and not a curse.