Don’t you care if I drown?

Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” Mark 4:38

There are moments in our lives and everything around us that we ask ourselves, Is it that God cares that we sink or perish? The faith of many people wobbles seeing how the world is lived. There is so much evil, sickness, death, the earth groans, the government, diseases, and so many other things that even in our lives we live and still we continue living from past events. Therefore, we think that God sleeps or the universe is against us.

Hard times. There is a biblical story, which tells us that Jesus slept in the middle of the storm and his disciples shouted at him to wake up because the boat was sinking and they could die. When He woke up, I imagine Jesus, who could ask himself, how many miracles have you seen, so many signs that I am your protector, healer, your God, and still do not believe? We have lived so many signs of life, healing, protection in our house, and so many miracles that we have lived, but we focus on a single event and question whether God sleeps. We think like his disciples that He doesn’t care about the situation we live in. Is this true?

Well, my dear friends, it is time to recognize that Jesus got up and took control of the situation and calmed the seas and winds. God is aware of our situation. The storm was not an impediment for Jesus to rest, but once he heard the cries of his disciples he responded to the request and helped them. There is a time that we reach despair, but let’s not forget that God is ready to respond immediately to your request. What matters to God is that you recognize that He is in your boat, so you can overcome every situation. Jesus will never abandon you or allow you to sink and assures you that you will arrive in a safe harbor. Call me and I will answer you (Jeremiah 33: 3).

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Sorry if in my storm I forget that you are the God of my boat. Help me to face every situation and trust you, Jesus, have control of my life. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, if at any time in your life you understand that you need help, seek that help that you need so much. There are educated and trained people who can give you the help you need. Remember that you are not alone.

Trusting people for many of us is difficult, but if you talk to God in your room I assure you that he will answer you. Just abandon yourself in Him and trust.