Friendship with God

The LORD detests these wicked people; instead, he offers his friendship to the righteous. Proverbs 3:32

Each of us is responsible for who we decide to have as friends. Once you choose your friend. We have to work to keep that relationship cultivated. Therefore, it requires that both parties have time, have confidence, and create a sincere bond within that friendship relationship. Therefore, friendship is not from one side but from both.

When we decide to have a relationship of friendship, communication is a channel where feelings are expressed, you can speak with sincerity or frankness without hurting the relationship of friendship. Through friendship is based on trust. A friend listens to your needs, is interested in your things, and is present in your life. The friend is such that even in distance or time they talk as if it was yesterday that they talked or were together. Therefore, friendship with God is one of sincerity, trust, and always is present.

To build a relationship with God I must be sincere. When we have a sincere friendship with God it is where we open our hearts and express our feelings and our weaknesses. God does not pretend that we are perfect, but we should be honest with Him. As we approach God as our friend, we give him access to help us in our lives. We allow God to take care of us and help us in our lives. God listens to us carefully and the difference of an earthly friend is that He covers all your needs, He does us justice and tolerates your truths. But, we know that friendship is from both sides, what should we do to maintain a relationship of friendship with God? We just have to do his will, obey, and have faith. The relationship of friendship with God depends on you.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing by your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have turned my needs to a man before you. I want you to be my friend, I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I remember that there is a song that says “when you have tried everything and everything has failed you, it is time to try Christ.” Christ is your faithful friend, he will never abandon you or flee from your side. I recommend you start having a relationship with God. How? Talk to God and listen to His voice through the Bible. You have never been alone, only that you have not given the opportunity to the quintessential friend, Jesus. What decision will you make?