The power

… But, you will receive power, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will witness me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1: 8

Many times we find forces that we don’t know where it comes from. We do so many things we say, Wau!  We ask, how I did this. I cannot believe it! The inner power is an inexplicable force. We give the inner power many names, but the reality is that power comes from the Holy Spirit.

It is through this power that has no explanation, which we can act in our lives in an incredible way. That power is so energetic and dynamic that it explodes inside us that we reflect in our lives. It is a Spirit that motivates us and shakes our comfort zone. That supernatural power produces in us forces that help us to live every day and face every unexpected situation in our lives. All of us are designed to be beings with power and with characters of authority. Well, God has not given us the spirit of fear, shyness, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1: 7). What should we do? We just need to believe in Jesus and activate the Holy Spirit in your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence confessing my sins. Forgive me. Today, I want to be sealed by your Holy Spirit. Help me, oh God, in my life and may my power emanate from your spirit in every life situation. I ask Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, there are situations that invade us and we feel that we do not have the power to execute. Sometimes fear invades us, shyness, and we can’t even speak or act. Therefore, what do you need to be able to connect to the power of God in your life? You need to connect with the power that our God puts within us, the Holy Spirit. When you allow yourself to connect with the Spirit you receive power, you receive new strength, gain courage, power, and inspiration in your life in which you will see a manifestation that you have never experienced before.