Our deepest fear

I have already ordered it: Be strong and brave! Do not be afraid or discouraged! Because the Lord your God will accompany you wherever you go. Josue 1: 9

There are moments in our lives that we hide or we do not dare because fear invades us. We stop being who we are, we stop thinking for ourselves and allow others to choose and speak for us. We allow our insecurities to torment us. Therefore, it is time to break this barrier that torments us.

I was reading on the intranet a reflection that made me reflect on myself as a woman and as a person. Many times we stop shining, but the truth is that God made us light and our duty is to shine wherever you go. Perhaps that light bothers many who see it shine. Why do we shine? We shine because we are powerful, we are beautiful, we are intelligent, and especially because we are powerful without limits. Therefore, let your own light be unique and special. Do not let others shine for you, let your own light emanate. Isaiah 42: 6 says “I am the LORD, in righteousness, I have called you; I will hold you by the hand and I will watch over you, and I will make you as a covenant for the people, as a light for the nations. That light is you. So, you are powerful!

I share this reflection of Marianne Williamson and I hope you reflect on the inner and outer power that each of us carries. Do not let fear dull the light in you.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are excessively powerful. It is our light and not the darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves: ‘Who am I to be bright, magnificent, talented, and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. If you act harshly, you don’t help the world. There is nothing instructive in shrinking so that other people do not feel insecure near you. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not found only in some of us, it is in all. And by allowing our own light to shine, we are tacitly giving the other permissions to do the same.

By freeing ourselves from our own fear, our presence automatically releases others. “

Marianne Williamson
From his book: Return To Love