
A wicked person listens to deceitful lips; a liar pays attention to a destructive tongue. Proverbs 17: 4.

Did you hear about a very interesting gossip? Do not! Tell me… Does this sound familiar?

What is gossip? Gossip is a rumor or talk that is usually spread by word of mouth, often with the intention of criticizing a person. When it is heard, the soul is contaminated because it has allowed hearing what they are saying. When you listen, you will begin to believe that you have greater success than what you are talking about, but the reality is that now you begin to distrust that person or thing.

Therefore, upon hearing the name of that person or product, your mind begins to create accusations and complaints based on what you heard, thus impacting your objectivity. Gossip begins to create disbelief and fear in you. Then, we become victims of fear and of not trusting what is behind the truth. Therefore, we doubt the ability of other people impacting the opportunity to know who they are. And, if it is a product we do not allow ourselves the opportunity to test if it really works. Therefore, we allow gossip to invade our minds and heart giving rise to fear, insecurity, and distrust. What should we do when the gossip surrounds you?

First, we must not respond in the same way that information comes to us. For example, never add more information with the one who brings the gossip or agrees with them. In Proverbs 26: 4 it says “Never respond to the fool according to his foolishness, so that you are not also like him.” Second, we must develop wisdom and discernment. Third, we must respond with words of life; for example: Why are you telling me this? Are you asking me to go with them to restore their lives? Am I in a position to help this person? If the answer is no, then politely withdraw from the conversation or change the subject of the conversation. Remember, that a child of God loves everyone equally with their virtues and defects.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I regret if at any time I have used a conversation to criticize or speak ill of my fellow or have put my attention to hear some gossip, forgive me. I admit that with my own strength I cannot, remove from my root all bitterness and all negative thoughts from my mind. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen,

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is very difficult to protect yourself from gossip, but when you are in a conversation and the name X or Y flows, ask yourself the following questions:

  •  Why do you tell me this?
  • Are they saying their reactions to an offense or do they just say it to influence me?
  • Is what they are going to say a good thing?
  • Can I help that person?

Stay away from gossip people and those who tell unpleasant things. In the long run, they can also create gossip about you.

Pray for those people and may God transform their lives.