You choose

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1: 5

Recently, I was listening to one of the videos on YouTube by Dr. Vicente Quintana Consultant, 10 Wise Advice. In this video, he mentioned that we would like to be born with the best family, the best house, finances among other things. So, by reflecting on this, we did not have the opportunity to choose. I remembered Don Miquel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements where he talked about this particular issue where we did not have the opportunity to choose.

When we reflect, we know that we did not choose our language or culture, nor religion, nor moral values, since they already existed before we were born. To such an extent that we did not have the opportunity to choose what to believe and what not to believe, or even choose our name. Although we did not have the opportunity to choose, we agreed with the information that we were transmitted from childhood. Therefore, by storing the information and accepting it, it became an agreement. This is one reason why we face day to day.

Many of us live day by day, believing that there is something beyond what has been learned by our generations, that there is something more than the infinite mind cannot assimilate or understand. There comes a time in our lives that we get tired of thinking and struggling with the incomprehensible, and it is there that our faith is not only in religious beliefs but in that you as a person believe beyond the impossible, and that you believe that someone exists supernatural that you cannot understand, but the incompressible by many and impossible for many, there is only someone who calls you by your name, and chooses you. The difference is that you choose, this is not something imposed, that is free will.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking forgiveness if I have offended you. I ask you to help me keep my faith and my hope in you. I recognize that you, Jesus, you are the way, the truth,, therefore, no one goes to the Father except through you. Help me to take the path that helps me to continue my walk, in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is not easy to get out of our minds so much information given from our childhood. But, if we can give ourselves the opportunity to learn something new and to recognize that there is something beyond what has been learned. Find the guidance and direction of people who can help you and give you the word on time and out of time. These people can be spiritual guides such as a pastor. But above all pray and read the bible because in it you will find answers to your questions.