Six (6) keys to winning battles

Be firm and courageous, do not fear or be terrified of them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31: 6

Many strategies are set to win battles. People of all military intelligence gathering to plan how to win the enemy. Arduous discussions and exhaustive time to reach the best strategy they will implement on the battlefield. And, so is our life, planning how to win every occasion. Now, is it perhaps the best alternative when a conclusion has been reached that seems to win the battle in your daily life?

As long as we live in this world, we will always be fighting between the desire to obey God and the desire to follow our instinct. We have all fought against sin, against temptations, and against what today’s world offers us in the face of a diversity of things that only you know. Well, to win the battles that we suffer every day, in a materialistic world and in a spiritual world that we do not see or ignore, God gives us the tools to fight against such adversities. Here are 6 keys to winning the battle and living a life that not only pleases God but shows that God is working in our hearts:

  1. Admit the power of weaknesses in your life. Recognize that you have an impetuous nature within you, a vulnerability to temptations. If we do not recognize our weaknesses, we will be more vulnerable to give in to temptations.
  2. Recognize that you have no power to change your own being. You will never master your temptations or weaknesses alone or by your own strength. So ask God for help, because apart from God you can do nothing. God will give you the necessary help or resources that will help you in your process.
  3. No longer support your condition and seek help. You cannot control the evil that is in you or in other people. When it reaches the limit of your strength, ask for God’s help in your struggles.
  4. Accept your freedom. Take the helping hand that Jesus is offering you.
  5. Accept God’s forgiveness and that you are free from condemnation. Jesus forgives you and does not condemn you, you just have to recognize your failures, struggles, and promises not fulfilled.
  6. Cut the instinctive actions of your sinful nature. The only way not to commit sinful actions and begin to live through Jesus and his Holy Spirit in you.

How can I do it? You must yield control of your mind and heart to Jesus. My friends, we always run the risk of temptation, but once you meet Jesus, he will give you the power to win your battles. For, what this is the main key to win all your battles.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I surrender to you. May your Holy Spirit dominate all my life. Give me the strength and wisdom to win my battles. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is never too late to seek Jesus. In Him, you can find peace and wisdom from above to win battles. Pray and read the Bible. Seek help from a counselor, psychologist, or someone or non-profit organizations that are there to help the needy and who need help. Remember, you are not alone.