Among Lions

So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions’ den. The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you! Daniel 6:16.

How many times have we been in the lion’s den? Lion’s den? The lion’s den is where many of us have found ourselves, such as work situations, family, financial situations, children, parents, health, and so many other things that only you know and you think there is no solution. It is, therefore, that many times we feel that we have lost hope and have found ourselves with no solution or alternatives of being able to
leave the lion’s den. Who is that lion in your life? What or who caused you to be in the den?

Many times we had everything and lost everything. Possibly, you have not been able to get out of poverty, you have not been able to finish your studies, and you have not been able to get out of that job that disturbs you so much, you do not have the money or resources necessary to be able to continue with a stable life both physical, social, and emotional. Also, there are cases that you are in the lion’s den because someone”played you a bad deal”, that is, it hurt you both verbally, physically, emotionally or damaged your image or your reputation. Moreover, it is there that we are in that dark tunnel and surrounded by hungry lions wanting to eat us alive or laughing at their current situation. But, I want to tell you, my friends, that those people who laughed and the evil they had against you at some point will stop laughing. Those people will be surprised when they see your change.

Remembering the story of Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6), a man of God, a man of service and with great administrative skills. There were people looking for some fault in the way Daniel conducted government affairs, but they found nothing they could criticize or condemn. He was faithful, always responsible and totally trustworthy. They finally reached the following conclusion: “Our only chance of finding any reason to accuse Daniel will be in relation to the norms of his religion.” So, Daniel was thrown into the lion’s well for praying. The king said: “May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you.” So they brought a stone and placed it over the pit’s mouth. The king sealed the stone with his royal seal and the seals of his nobles so that no one could rescue Daniel. Then, the king returned to the palace and spent the night fasting. He refused his usual entertainments and could not sleep all night. Very early the next morning, the king got up and went quickly to the lions. When he got there, he shouted in anguish: – Daniel, servant of the living God! Could your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you from the lions? And Daniel replied: – Long live the king! My God sent his angel to shut the lions’mouths so that they would not harm me, because I was declared innocent before God and I have done nothing wrong against you, Your Majesty.

Therefore, as God rescued and took care of Daniel, he would take care of you. To such an extent, that daniel’s enemies were devoured by those lions. When you think there is no solution, that people have laughed at you, that you have been blasphemed or wounded your image and reputation; today God tells you not to worry, do not be afraid, do not disturb your heart because I, Jehovah your God, appease the lions, close the mouth of the lions and take you out of the lion’s den. Well, there will be nothing and no one to harm you. You will come out like Daniel standing and in victory. Why? Because you believe God even if you are in the lion’s den. Just ask me and I will answer you, your God.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I apologize if I have failed you. Lord Jesus, although I am in the lion’s den I know that you will close the mouth of the lions and no harm will be done to me because you are with me. Thank you for your care and trusting that you will soon deliver me and put me in favor in front of people. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, there is no one who can harm the children of God. They may think they have the victory, but that will be for a moment. Because your head will be upright and you will gain victory. God never leaves his children in shame. All you have to do is pray, talk to God, ask and He will answer you.