The umbrella

Take care of me, oh God, because in you I seek refuge. Psalm 16:1.

Rain or sun, we have all used the umbrella. We protect ourselves under an umbrella. Many of us have experienced when opening an umbrella we invite someone to stand under the umbrella and if this umbrella is large there will be more people under it, especially if they are family, friends or even strangers, we have given them that protection. I remember that many times, I have shared my umbrella with others. Have you lived that experience? Have you been invited to be under that umbrella in rainy or hot weather? Or, perhaps, you have experienced that someone comes with an umbrella to protect you from the rain. Well, that’s how our life is like the umbrella, we shelter or protect the people we love.

Life is full of so many circumstances that many times we lose the purpose of our life. Rain of worries, rain of tears and pain, the rain that comes and floods our soul. Also, the sun, which sets over our head, the sun that makes us sweat, which dehydrates us, the sun that burns and if we do not cover ourselves or hydrate we can lose the initial perspective of our course. Just as the sun comes, there are also difficulties that we see difficult, that steal our energy, that discourage us and that many times we stop and do not want to continue. But, if we protect ourselves with an umbrella, which gives us shade or which allows us not to get wet we can continue until we reach the final goal.

The umbrella, a tool that symbolizes coverage and protection, is like Jesus who gives us coverage and protection in the middle of your rain or in the middle of your sun. For Him there are no limits, there are no defeats, it is like the planted tree that gives shade, it is like the spring that quenches your thirst and refreshes your soul. Jesus, who covers us under his mantle, who heals, releases, and arrives on time. With it there will never be drought, there will be no pain, irritation or tears. Well, He is the umbrella in which we can run to cover ourselves in times of rain or sun. There is a special umbrella for you, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to place myself under your umbrella for protection, help, and care. I hope that your power helps me in every situation that I live day by day. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, there is a time we just can’t continue. Therefore, it is necessary to look for the necessary aids or resources to continue to the established goal. You have to leave pride aside to be able to listen to others and that there is a solution to your situation.